Until recently, the Inuit people... 一題爭論題


版主: shpassion, Traver0818

Until recently, the Inuit people... 一題爭論題

帖子yentzu » 2011-03-28 18:15

Until recently, the Inuit people led a nomadic existence, sheltering in igloos, the ice-block domes that are peculiar to north-central Canada, and in structures made of stones, bones, driftwood, and skins.
A. Until recently, the Inuit people led a nomadic existence, sheltering
B. During recent times, the Inuit people lead a nomadic existence, sheltering
C. In the times that are recent, the Inuit people led a nomadic existence, sheltered
D. Up until recently, the Inuit people, leading a nomadic existence, have sheltered
E. Until recent times, leading a nomadic existence, the Inuit people were sheltered
聽說莫大(以前)解 B;b 當然不對,有爭議的是A或D。
網路上有好幾個人說OA是D (I think the OA is D, as per the doc I have and as per the sentence).


An Asiatic people, the Inuits arrived in Canada during the last Ice Age, but some time after the Indians. Until quite recently, they led a nomadic existence, sheltering in igloos, the ice-block domes that are peculiar to northern-central Canada, and structures made of stones, bones, driftwood, sods and skins.

不過紐時的寫法是「有缺陷」的寫法(紐時的校稿不見得滴水不漏,Unlike most severance packages, which require workers to stay to the last day to collect...這題原稿也出自紐時,是標準的dangling constrution),因為這句結尾的分詞構句是用來做為主要子句的「進一步(內容)說明」,而sheltering只是nomadic existence的一小部份。完整的分詞構句寫法應如下:
Until quite recently, they led a nomadic existence, hunting wherever the seasons permit and sheltering in igloos…
若要完全講sheltering,這部份要用主要子句寫,nomadic existence則放在背景說明的分詞子句中,如D項。我猜原先將D定為OA的人應也是如是想。此外,until recently最常見的用法是跟隨完成式。

贊成A的人主張:1. Up until是口語,按GMAT的標準,這up是多餘的;2. GMAT考題中的until都沒用過完成式(雖然還沒成為考點過)。

關於第一點,實在難說ETS的出題者真這樣認為。第二點則是確實如此,但也無法據此主張完成式就一定不對。until recently在一般用法中卻是最常跟完成式聯用,不管是查字典或查google都是如此。

帖子: 16
注册: 2009-11-19 13:24

Re: Until recently, the Inuit people... 一題爭論題

帖子yentzu » 2011-03-29 11:15

Anasazi ... 那一題是幾年前一位胡采蘋小姐(可能是商周的記者/編輯)在我的網站 www.yentzu.idv.tw 提問的。 這題相當程度使我對 GMAT SC 考試感到厭煩,認為教這種東西是在跟一群不可理喻的人白費力氣,因而將時間精力轉向改而去譯一些經典英詩(包括莎士比亞十四行詩在內)以期能讓台灣的中英文教育有所改進。好在ETS 總算「從善如流」,新版的OV 已將這題改正。而我也因為被讀者告知有學生在兩年前的 PPT版上感謝我寫的那本「GMAT語法改錯」,而甚感欣慰,覺得GMAT 語法考試雖然不是全無缺點,只要學生不採取「偏鋒」方式去學習解題,而採用「理解原理」的方式去學習,它的確也真能對學生的句法語法寫作能力有相當幫助。
帖子: 16
注册: 2009-11-19 13:24

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