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GMAT 考的是閱讀....閱讀....還是閱讀....

版主: shpassion, Traver0818


文章ergh » 2006-10-24 12:24

(The following was excerpted from material written in 1988.)
For over a decade the
most common policy advice
given to developing countries
Line by international development
(5) institutions has been to copy
the export-oriented path of the
newly industrializing countries,
the celebrated NIC’s. These
economies—Brazil, Hong
(10) Kong, Mexico, Singapore,
South Korea, and Taiwan—
burst into the world manufac-
turing market in the late 1960’s
and the 1970’s; by 1978 these
(15) six economies, along with India,
enjoyed unequaled growth
rates for gross national product
and for exports, with exports
accounting for 70 percent of
(20) the developing world’s manu-
factured exports. It was,
therefore, not surprising that
dozens of other countries
attempted to follow their model,
(25) yet no countries—with the pos-
sible exceptions of Malaysia
and Thailand—have even
approached their success. In
“No More NIC’s,” Robin Broad
(30) and John Cavanagh search for
the reasons behind these fail-
ures, identifying far-reaching
changes in the global econ-
omy—from synthetic substitutes
(35) for commodity exports to
unsustainable levels of foreign
debt—as responsible for a glut
economy offering little room for
new entrants. Despite these
(40) changes, the authors maintain,
the World Bank and the Inter-
national Monetary Fund—the
foremost international devel-
opment institutions—have
(45) continued to promote the NIC
path as the way for heavily
indebted developing countries
to proceed. And yet the futility
of this approach should,
(50) according to the authors, be
all too apparent so many years
into a period of reduced growth
in world markets.

Given the information in the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the NIC’s?

A.Their economic success among developing countries has been exceeded only by the successes of Malaysia and Thailand.
B.By 1978 they produced 70 percent of the world’s manufactured exports.
C.In the late 1970’s, their growth rates for gross national product were among the highest in the world.
D.In recent years their development has been heavily subsidized by major international development institutions.
E.They received conflicting policy advice from international development institutions in the late 1960’s and the 1970’s.

文章: 76
註冊時間: 2006-04-06 13:00

文章Jen-Cheng » 2006-10-30 14:38

就是這個字: unequaled....無與倫比的

文章: 97
註冊時間: 2006-04-15 15:51
來自: Hualien

文章fsab00037748 » 2006-11-17 02:06

(15) six economies, along with India,
enjoyed unequaled growth
rates for gross national product
and for exports,

If you describe something as unequalled, you mean that it is greater, better, or more extreme than anything else of the same kind.

C. In the late 1970’s, their growth rates for gross national product were among the highest in the world.

with exports
accounting for 70 percent of
(20) the developing world’s manu-
factured exports
B. By 1978 they produced 70 percent of the world’s manufactured exports

不過這種比例上的分母的一字之差, 沒注意的話在考試時還真難看出來
文章: 156
註冊時間: 2006-02-17 13:30

文章fsab00037748 » 2006-11-17 11:36

The author mentions Malaysia and Thailand in order to

A.acknowledge the appearance of implausibility in a broad claim
B.concede the possible existence of counter-examples to a generalization
C.offer additional evidence in support of a disputed conclusion
D.illustrate the broad applicability of a hypothesis
E.admit the limited scope of a standard analysis

Answer: B

function題, 找到文章前後觀察關係

It was,
therefore, not surprising that
dozens of other countries
attempted to follow their model,
(25) yet no countries—with the pos-
sible exceptions of Malaysia
and Thailand—have even
approached their success.

所以此段用意是 B. concede the possible existence of counter-examples to a generalization 先不情願地承認有可能成為反証的例子, 免得後面講no countries被人家攻擊
The author of the passage most clearly implies that Broad and Cavanagh disagree with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund about which of the following?

A.The ways in which the global economy has changed in recent years
B.The causes of the unsustainable levels of foreign debt that the developing countries have incurred in recent years
C.The level of foreign debt that should be maintained by developing countries
D.The degree to which international development institutions should monitor the growth of developing countries
E.The degree to which heavily indebted developing countries should emphasize exports in their overall economic strategy

Answer: E

Despite these
(40) changes(指前段講的那些對開發中國家不利的因素,然後用despite連接,表示接下來還是要講negative的東西), the authors (指Broad and Cavanagh)maintain,
the World Bank and the Inter-
national Monetary Fund
foremost international devel-
opment institutions—have
(45) continued to promote the NIC
path as the way for heavily
indebted developing countries
to proceed. And yet the futility
of this approach (指the NIC
path )should,
(50) according to the authors(指Broad and Cavanagh), be
all too apparent so many years
into a period of reduced growth
in world markets.

題目問這兩位disagree什麼? 由上文章看到他們disagree所謂的NICs path也就是所謂的the export-oriented path
答案E. The degree to which heavily indebted developing countries should emphasize exports in their overall economic strategy
文章: 156
註冊時間: 2006-02-17 13:30

文章Chris1 » 2006-11-29 21:40

文章: 24
註冊時間: 2005-12-11 00:27

文章小花 » 2008-01-04 15:47

The author of the passage most clearly implies that Broad and Cavanagh disagree with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund about which of the following?

A.The ways in which the global economy has changed in recent years
B.The causes of the unsustainable levels of foreign debt that the developing countries have incurred in recent years
C.The level of foreign debt that should be maintained by developing countries
D.The degree to which international development institutions should monitor the growth of developing countries
E.The degree to which heavily indebted developing countries should emphasize exports in their overall economic strategy

Answer: E

文章: 392
註冊時間: 2007-08-23 14:59

文章amazingslim » 2008-01-04 21:33

“No More NIC’s,” Robin Broad
(30) and John Cavanagh search for
the reasons behind these fail-
ures, identifying far-reaching
changes in the global econ-
omy—from synthetic substitutes
(35) for commodity exports to
unsustainable levels of foreign
—as responsible for a glut
economy offering little room for
new entrants.
原文只有提到changes in the global economy( unsustainable levels of foreign debt)造成供應過多,並沒有進ㄧ步提到unsustainable levels of foreign debt的起因為何
文章: 147
註冊時間: 2007-08-11 17:14

文章chris8888 » 2008-01-05 00:43

The author of the passage most clearly implies that Broad and Cavanagh disagree with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund about which of the following?
表示文章沒有明講, 要去找infer or suggest
A.The ways in which the global economy has changed in recent years
B.The causes of the unsustainable levels of foreign debt that the developing countries have incurred in recent years
它是要找disagree with, disagree with根據文章應該是在despite那邊開始描述, 然後做出推論是B&C的反對, 也就是說, B&C認為商品過度供應了, 這樣搞生產製造不是辦法, 不要舉債蓋工廠了, 但儘管局勢已經變了, International Monetary Fund還在搞開發中國家要大量舉債的方式來提高生產.
基本上B選項是irrelevent, B&C並非disagree with "The causes of the unsustainable levels" 而是 disagree with "continued to promote the NIC path as the way for heavily indebted developing countries to proceed"

C.The level of foreign debt that should be maintained by developing countries
D.The degree to which international development institutions should monitor the growth of developing countries
E.The degree to which heavily indebted developing countries should emphasize exports in their overall economic strategy

Answer: E


抓主詞和動詞以及受詞, 可以瞭解大概的意思, 若還是資訊不夠, 再去看其他的形容詞子句的描述.
In“No More NIC’s,” Robin Broad
(30) and John Cavanagh
search for
the reasons behind these fail-
ures, identifying far-reaching
changes in the global econ-
omy—from synthetic substitutes
(35) for commodity exports to
unsustainable levels of foreign
debt—as responsible for a glut
economy offering little room for
new entrants
. Despite these
(40) changes, the authors maintain,
the World Bank and the Inter-
national Monetary Fund
foremost international devel-
opment institutions—have
(45) continued to promote the NIC
path as the way for heavily
indebted developing countries
to proceed.
文章: 444
註冊時間: 2007-07-31 22:47

文章angela_yj0424 » 2008-06-21 04:02

chris8888 \$m[1]:Q36:
The author of the passage most clearly implies that Broad and Cavanagh disagree with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund about which of the following?
表示文章沒有明講, 要去找infer or suggest
A.The ways in which the global economy has changed in recent years
B.The causes of the unsustainable levels of foreign debt that the developing countries have incurred in recent years
它是要找disagree with, disagree with根據文章應該是在despite那邊開始描述, 然後做出推論是B&C的反對, 也就是說, B&C認為商品過度供應了, 這樣搞生產製造不是辦法, 不要舉債蓋工廠了, 但儘管局勢已經變了, International Monetary Fund還在搞開發中國家要大量舉債的方式來提高生產.
基本上B選項是irrelevent, B&C並非disagree with "The causes of the unsustainable levels" 而是 disagree with "continued to promote the NIC path as the way for heavily indebted developing countries to proceed"

C.The level of foreign debt that should be maintained by developing countries
D.The degree to which international development institutions should monitor the growth of developing countries
E.The degree to which heavily indebted developing countries should emphasize exports in their overall economic strategy

Answer: E


抓主詞和動詞以及受詞, 可以瞭解大概的意思, 若還是資訊不夠, 再去看其他的形容詞子句的描述.
In“No More NIC’s,” Robin Broad
(30) and John Cavanagh
search for
the reasons behind these fail-
ures, identifying far-reaching
changes in the global econ-
omy—from synthetic substitutes
(35) for commodity exports to
unsustainable levels of foreign
debt—as responsible for a glut
economy offering little room for
new entrants
. Despite these
(40) changes, the authors maintain,
the World Bank and the Inter-
national Monetary Fund
foremost international devel-
opment institutions—have
(45) continued to promote the NIC
path as the way for heavily
indebted developing countries
to proceed.
36題不選B的理由如Chris所說,cause是不 能被駁斥的,就如同事實是不能被駁斥的,很多時候boldface也喜歡這樣出迷惑選項。另外選E是因為emphasize exports=export-oriented
Practice makes Perfect!!
文章: 35
註冊時間: 2007-08-08 01:38
來自: Canada

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