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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - [問題] GWD32-Q32~34

[問題] GWD32-Q32~34

GMAT 考的是閱讀....閱讀....還是閱讀....

版主: shpassion, Traver0818

[問題] GWD32-Q32~34

文章dibert8 » 2007-10-17 23:17

The dry mountain ranges of the
western United States contain rocks
dating back 440 to 510 million years,
Line to the Ordovician period, and teeming
5) with evidence of tropical marine life.
This rock record provides clues about
one of the most significant radiations
(periods when existing life-forms gave
rise to variations that would eventually
10) evolve into entirely new species) in the
history of marine invertebrates. During
this radiation the number of marine
biological families increased greatly,
and these families included species
15) that would dominate the marine ecosys-
tems of the area for the next 215 million
years. Although the radiation span-
ned tens of millions of years, major
changes in many species occurred
20) during a geologically short time span
within the radiation and, furthermore,
appear to have occurred worldwide,
suggesting that external events were
major factors in the radiation. And , in
25) fact, there is evidence of major eco-
logical and geological changes during
this period: the sea level dropped
drastically and mountain ranges were
formed. In this instance, rather than
30) leading to large-scale extinctions,
these kinds of environmental changes
may have resulted in an enriched pat-
tern of habitats and nutrients, which in
turn gave rise to the Ordovician radi-
35) ation. However, the actual relationship
between these environmental factors
and the diversification of life forms is
not yet fully understood
The passage is primarily concerned with

A. evaluating the evidence of a major geologic period and determining its duration
B. describing an evolutionary phenomenon and speculating about its cause
C. explaining the mechanisms through which marine life-forms evolved during a particular period
D. analyzing the impact on later life-forms of an important evolutionary development
E. contrasting a period of evolutionary change with other such periods
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage regarding the geologic changes that occurred during Ordovician period?

A. They were more drastic than those associated with other radiations
B. They may have created conditions favorable to the evolution of many new life-forms
C. They may have caused the extinction of many of the marine species living in shallow waters
D. They may have been a factor in the development of new species adapted to living both on land and in water
E. They hastened the formation of the extensive dry regions found in the western united states
Which of the following best describes the function of last sentence of the passage ?

A. it points out that the events described in the passage may be atypical
B. it alludes to the fact that there is disagreement in the scientific community over the importance of the Ordovician radiation
C. it concludes that the evidence presented in the passage is insufficient to support the proposed hypothesis because it comes from a limited geographic area
D. it warns the reader against seeing a connection between the biological and geologic changes described in the passage
E. it alerts the reader that current knowledge cannot completely explain the relationship suggested by the evidence presented in the passage

Ans : CEE

討論 Q32 (main idea 題)
文章流程: I) 提出名詞 radiation (發生在 Ordovician period); II) line 11~ 描述現象; III) line24~ 推測原因(但沒把握);主旨句在第二句.
(A) 有 evidence (line 25), 但沒有 evaluate
(C) mechanisms = clues? (line 6), 只有列舉,沒有 explain
(D) 沒有 analyze
(E) 沒有 contrast
覺得應該選 (B): phenomenon = radiation
文章: 2202
註冊時間: 2007-01-08 01:17

文章dibert8 » 2007-10-17 23:26

討論 Q33
And , in
25) fact, there is evidence of major eco-
logical and geological changes during
this period: ... In this instance, rather than
30) leading to large-scale extinctions,
these kinds of environmental changes
may have resulted in an enriched pat-
tern of habitats and nutrients, which in
turn gave rise to the Ordovician radi-
35) ation.

(A) 無謂的比較
(C) 正好相反; 沒有提 shallow water
(D) 沒有區分 land and water
(E) 重點不是 formation dry regions, 而是 radiation
覺得應該選 (B)
文章: 2202
註冊時間: 2007-01-08 01:17

文章karmenpeng » 2007-11-10 17:53

以上兩題我都跟dibert選一樣的 對參考答案充滿困惑@@

these kinds of environmental changes
may have resulted in an enriched pat-
tem of habitats and nutrients
, which in
turn gave rise to the Ordovician radi-

open to discussion~
文章: 11
註冊時間: 2007-05-07 00:30

文章小花 » 2007-11-13 21:23

Q32 我也贊同是B

(periods when existing life-forms gave rise to variations that would eventually evolve into entirely new species)

However, the actual relationship between these environmental factors and the diversification of life forms is not yet fully nderstood

B)describing an evolutionary phenomenon and speculating about its cause

文章: 392
註冊時間: 2007-08-23 14:59

文章elmer0901 » 2007-11-14 16:45

困惑中 :sad
文章: 61
註冊時間: 2007-03-17 15:54

文章小花 » 2007-11-14 21:02

你可以連結看看 ... 552&page=4

文章: 392
註冊時間: 2007-08-23 14:59

文章elmer0901 » 2007-11-15 15:49

Anyway, 我會好好研究一下,重新釐清思路 :smile
文章: 61
註冊時間: 2007-03-17 15:54

文章Huang Hsin-Yi » 2008-05-29 15:05

這篇超難,足足讓我來回看了九次 ;-S

The dry mountain ranges of the
western United States contain rocks
dating back 440 to 510 million years,
Line to the Ordovician period,
and teeming
5) with evidence of tropical marine life.
山脈包含石頭,可追溯到Ordovician period 並且這山脈富有熱帶海洋生物證據

This rock record provides clues about
one of the most significant radiations
(periods when existing life-forms gave
rise to variations that would eventually
10) evolve into entirely new species) in the
history of marine invertebrates.
During this radiation the number of marine
biological families increased greatly,
and these families included species
15) that would dominate the marine ecosys-
tems of the area for the next 215 million
在 幅射期間,海洋生物大量增加並且這些族群會主宰下一個215百萬年

Although the radiation span-
ned tens of millions of years, major
changes in many species occurred
20) during a geologically short time span
within the radiation and, furthermore,
appear to have occurred worldwide,
suggesting that external events were
major factors in the radiation.

And , in fact, there is evidence of major eco-
logical and geological changes during
this period: the sea level dropped
drastically and mountain ranges were
formed. In this instance, rather than
30) leading to large-scale extinctions
these kinds of environmental changes
may have resulted in an enriched pat-
tern of habitats and nutrients,
which in
turn gave rise to the Ordovician radi-
35) ation.
事實上,證據顯示, 主要的生態及地理變化都在這時候:海平面下降和山脈形成這個例子,與其導致大規模滅種,不如說這樣的環境變化可能導致豐富棲息地及營養的模式,這個提高Ordovician radiation的機會

However, the actual relationship
between these environmental factors
and the diversification of life forms is
not yet fully understood


全文在探討 Ordovician radiation發生的現象和可能原因

Q32 -----贊成C
The passage is primarily concerned with

B. describing an evolutionary phenomenon and speculating about its cause

C. explaining the mechanisms through which marine life-forms evolved during a particular period
mechanism= Ordovician radiation

Q33 ------贊成E
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage regarding the geologic changes that occurred during Ordovician period?

A. They were more drastic than those associated with other radiations
沒討論 other radiations

B. They may have created conditions favorable to the evolution of many new life-forms
本文說輻射造成new form不是geologic changes

C. They may have caused the extinction of many of the marine species living in shallow waters

D. They may have been a factor in the development of new species adapted to living both on land and in water

E. They hastened the formation of the extensive dry regions found in the western united states

呼!腦袋開花了 :|||
Huang Hsin-Yi
文章: 1038
註冊時間: 2007-08-17 00:41
來自: Tainan

Re: [問題] GWD32-Q32~34

文章lranita » 2008-10-06 17:12

Q33 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage regarding the geologic changes that occurred during Ordovician period?
我也覺得答案是(B) They may have created conditions favorable to the evolution of many new life-forms
而非(E) They hastened the formation of the extensive dry regions found in the western united states

選(B)的原因--文章Line 29 : "In this instance, rather than leading to large-scale extinctions, these kinds of environmental changes may have resulted in an enriched pattern of habitats and nutrients, which in turn gave rise to the Ordovician radiation."
=> 說明這些變化造就了更多棲息地和養分,radiation也因此增加--> 也因為radiation的增加, 衍生出的更多物種
所以這些變化"創造了一種環境/條件是有利於the evolution of many new life-forms

排除(E)的原因--文章Line 24 : "And , in fact, there is evidence of major ecological and geological changes during this period: the sea level dropped drastically and mountain ranges were formed."
=>mountain ranges (dry land) were formed 就是所謂的 geological changes
選項(E) geological changes 加速了dry land形成的肇因......這說不過去吧
文章: 7
註冊時間: 2006-06-27 00:09

Re: [問題] GWD32-Q32~34

文章王志元 » 2008-11-18 14:22

geologic changes "hasten" the formation of dry regions
文章: 13
註冊時間: 2007-08-16 17:55

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