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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - 生涯規劃又一問



版主: iambigmomma


文章willy48912005 » 2007-10-12 16:58



打算申請2008秋季班碩士,因為之前打定要去英國,所以先考了IELTS(7.0),但後來經過考量決定連美國的學校要一起申請,現在我在掙扎應該要選擇MS-MIS還是MBA with MIS concentration? 因為這兩年的工作經驗中,我發現最困難的部份不是跟客戶的溝通,因為客戶永遠是對的,所以他要什麼就把他生出來就好了;但痛苦的是跟工程師的溝通,譬如:常常很多時候他們會覺得明明就是user使用習慣改一下就好了,為什麼要叫他們改程式,然後就用一堆我們聽不懂的技術架構理論來否決我們的提案,於是我就得卡在客戶,工程師和老闆之間….所以我想念MIS,了解一下工程師的世界,將心比心的站在他們的角度來思考問題,然後一起想出solution。我不奢望去唸個1.2年後就會變成什麼coding達人,因為那是不可能的,而且工程師的生活也不是我所嚮往的,所以我目前打算申請的MS-MIS都是under在商學院底下,目的是想透過有系統的學習對MIS又更深入的了解,以後可朝PM的方向邁進。

好!那為什麼又想到要唸MBA-MIS concentration呢?因為最近準備GMAT常常上來傷咖找OG的解答,然後也透過大家的介紹更了解了MBA的課程,後來似乎又覺得MBA除了MIS的課程外,又多加了很多core business subjects。這樣可以避免通通陷MIS的課程裡然後又發現自己不喜歡又沒法跳出,MBA的課比較彈性….(先提一下,因為經濟拮据,所以TOP50的MBA我都不考慮,因為我的預算只有5萬美金,MBA大概是SUNY等級的學校)

文章: 14
註冊時間: 2007-05-09 18:29

文章modern » 2007-10-14 05:14

I don't think it will help u a lot in learning MIS to solve the "gap" between a sales and a developer.

I would rather say it is their own personality and their own weakness that makes the problem. A strong developer himself/herself can do something that even 20 developers cannot do! The problem is that many small sized firms cannot get real talented developers!! and those guys will just BS in BS out to you.

I've been work with different developers and team leads for the past 3 years and I found that the problem is .... the company didn't find the right person/developer.

When the person ( project lead in developers side)is bright and capable of doing something,
they won't bull shit u this and that!! they will just do it!

When you are the boss and have right to decide one's promotion, they will just LISTEN TO YOU! (or "bai lan" until U fire them)

I used to work with a developer with developing a system. He told me that it will take 6 months to complete this project so he doesn't want to do it. He quit and we have another great guy to join, and he spent 14 days to develop the thing that is just I want.

These are just my 2 cents
Morden Chen |CUHK MBA Class of 2008

文章: 1319
註冊時間: 2005-10-19 23:31
來自: Microsoft China

文章e1014121 » 2007-10-14 10:58

To Willy :

1)溫伯格的軟體管理學 第1卷: 系統化思考(Weinberg, Gerald M.) ISBN/9789867889485
2)從需求到設計: 如何設計客戶想要的產品 作者/ 唐納德.高斯/ 傑拉爾德.溫伯格 (Gause, Donald C./ Weinberg, Gerald M.)ISBN/9789867889584


文章: 10
註冊時間: 2007-03-30 19:16

文章davidlee0222 » 2007-10-15 06:50

seems like you may need "cross-functional (or managerial) communication," "sales & negotiation," and "leadership"
and need to understand the whole Value Chain framework in management structure
especially "Marketing Management"
the power is driven by customer, not by R&D
and also the "Organization Behavior," understanding why the office politics run like this
while the circumstance might not be necessarily relevent to MIS

it also depends on whether B2B or B2C market you want to devote your career on afterward
not necessarily limited by your B2B experience, either
it's driven by your career interests
if you prefer B2B, then it goes to "Channel Management"
if B2C, then it goes to "Market Research on Consumer Behavior"

although organizational clients are always right in most of B2B companies
you may find that it's not only about these clients
but rather an ultimate power driving this need
it's the "end consumers"

you need to know how to increase end consumers' brand/product awareness, preference
and then arouse their purchase facilitation by your supply and marketing
so you'll definately need to know what and how your consumers think
then how to "market" your product to fulfill their demand

if you go down more specific
"Product Development" under Marketing Management may fit your need
from market situation analysis, to select product concept for target market
then develop and manage the R&D/product development project
to pricing
to channel management
then to after-service

the market will be mostly in the U.S.
much more mature and more competitive
management framework is also more complete accordingly
and it seems not about MS
and not about MIS, either
it's more about MBA-Marketing Management
for your reference
文章: 3017
註冊時間: 2004-12-14 19:54

文章willy48912005 » 2007-10-15 11:15

Thanks for all your exquisite comments. I think I am too narrow minded the way I treat these MS/MBA programs. My understanding is too confined to their names. I thought if I want to advance my career in IT business, I must grab something related to computers. And I never know that this could have anything to do with marketing. (How ridiculous I am!) In fact, from my experience of studying marketing as a minor in college, I didn't find it practical at all and it's more B2C. (Does the master program of marketing have concentration in B2B or electronic products?)

Anyway, I think I would still choose the MBA program in the end because I can decide what I really want to focus then.

By the way, what's your opinion of studying in UK?
文章: 14
註冊時間: 2007-05-09 18:29

文章csc » 2007-10-16 18:03





文章: 859
註冊時間: 2005-11-04 23:27
來自: 桃園

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