hwatai \$m[1]:關於這一題,我第一次作時繞了很久都沒作對,剛才第二次則是用刪去法很快就答對了
A. The effect noted in the studies is not limited to patrons who have credit cards.
研究主題在「付現」的客人,他們是否持有信用卡是不相關的資訊 (乾脆問他們是否擁有支票本好了~)
B. Patrons who are under financial pressure from their credit-card obligations tend to tip less when presented with a restaurant bill on a tray with credit-card logo than when the tray has no logo.
C. In virtually all of the cases in the studies, the patrons who paid bills in cash did not possess credit cards.
D.In general, restaurant patrons who pay their bills in cash leave larger tips than do those who pay by credit card.
研究主題在「付現」的客人,與刷卡的客人進行比較是脫離討論範疇的比較 (乾脆跟開支票的客人進行比較算了)
E.The percentage of restaurant bills paid with given brand of credit card increases when that credit card’s logo is displayed on the tray with which the bill is prepared.
所以本題重心在於:付現金 v.s Logo
這一題在新版的OG12 裡面有出現, 大家之前的討論方向都沒有錯,
以下我把OG12對於每一個選項的解釋引述上來, 相信對邏輯判斷會更有感覺
A. This undermines the psychologist's interpretation, for it shows that the same phenomenon occurs even when the alleged cause has been removed.
(選項會削弱心理學家的解釋,因為同樣的情形就算不在陳述的狀況下也會發生 )
=> 就算沒有信用卡的人看到信用卡的logo也會忍不住多付錢,心理學家提初看到信用卡logo會想到自己比較有錢花的說法就不成立了
B. Correct. This option identifies the result that would most strengthen the phychologists' interpretation.
=> 就如同前人所討論的, 這個選項最能支持給小費的行為與看到信用卡logo有關
C. This undermines the psychologists' interpretation by showing that the same phenomenon occur even when the allerged cause has been removed; patrons cannot be reminded of something that is not there.
=> 跟A 一樣
D. To the extent that this bears on the interpretation of the study, it weakens it. Patrons using credit cards are surely aware that they have credit, and yet they spend less generously.
( 選項延伸陳述, 而且weaken 了假設)
=> 都已經看到自己的信用卡起用信用卡付錢,付得還比用現金付的人少, 行為跟學者的假設就不一樣了
E. This does not support the idea that being reminded that one has a credit card induces one to be more generous, only that it induces one t use that credit card.
=> logo存在只是讓人想用那張信用卡, 而不是讓人想多付錢