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GMAT 考的是閱讀....閱讀....還是閱讀....

版主: shpassion, Traver0818


文章CUGGYER » 2005-09-23 12:30

Social learning in animals is said to occur when direct or indirect social interaction facilitates the acquisition of a novel(new) behavior.[/color[color=green]](動物有學習效果) It usually takes the form of an experienced animal (the demonstrator)對照組 performing a behavior such that the naïve animal (the observer)實驗組 subsequently expresses the same behavior sooner, or more completely, than it would have otherwise. One example of social learning is the acquisition of preferences for novel foods. Some experiments have suggested that among mammals, social learning facilitates the identification of beneficial food items, but that among birds, social learning helps animals avoid toxic substances.

Example(food): mammals ~ beneficial (contrast) avian ~toxic
For example, one study showed that when red-wing blackbirds observed others consuming a colored food (30) or a food in a distinctly marked container and then becoming ill, they subsequently avoided food associated with that color (35) or container. Another experiment showed that house sparrows consumed less red food after they observed others eating (40) red food that was treated so as to be noxious. Studies on non-avian species have not produced similar results, leading researchers to speculate that avian social learning may be fundamentally different from that of mammals.

在舉兩小例說明 avian的學習效果 提出結論
mammals / avian 在學習效果上有根本上的不同

But Sherwin's recent (50) experiments with domestic hens do not support the notion that avian social learning necessarily facilitates aversion to novel (55) foods that are noxious or toxic. S’s實驗avian是否對toxic有學習效果
Even when demonstrator hens reacted with obvious disgust to a specific food, via vigorous head (60) shaking and bill wiping, there was no evidence that observers subsequently avoided eating that food. Sherwin's research team speculated that ecological or social constraints during the evolution of this species might have resulted in there being little benefit from the social learning of atability, for instance, selective pressures for this mode of learning would be reduced if the birds rarely encountered noxious or toxic food or rarely interacted after eating such food, or if the consequences of ingestion were minimal.
提出沒有學習效果原因: 1少遇到toxic 2 由mammals展現
(80) In a related experiment the same researchers showed that if observer hens watched demonstrator hens react favorably to food of a particular color, then observer hens ate more food of that color than they ate of food of other colors. These results confirmed that avian species can develop preferences for palatable food through social learning.
實驗:hen(實驗組) 對 particular color food 有反應
結論: avian 對 palatable food有學習效果

28-3: The primary purpose of the passage is to discuss the
A: techniques used in certain experiments on social learning in birds 非techniques
B: reasons for the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals too detail
C: question of how social learning manifests itself in birds
D: basis for a widespread belief about a difference in behavior between birds and mammals M/A不同非討論重點
E: possible reasons why birds may or may not learn from each other in a particular way 通篇提到

28-4: missing
28-5: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the experiments on domestic hens conducted by Sherwin’s research team? (第二段內容)
A: Only a small number of observer hens appeared to learn to avoid food that was demonstrated by other hens to be noxious.
B: Observer hens ingested food preferentially only after numerous instances of witnessing demonstrator hens preferentially ingest that type of food. 跟次數無關
C: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable. 相反
D: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable. 相反
E: Demonstrator hens altered their behavior less obviously in response to noxious foods than in response to highly palatable foods.

28-6: It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the results of the recent experiments conducted by Sherwin’s research team?第二段
A: The experiments demonstrate that social learning in avian species facilitates the identification of noxious or toxic foods.相反
B: The experiments suggest that social learning has made avian species less adept than nonavian species at learning
to prefer beneficial foods and avoid noxious and toxic foods.
C: The experiments undermine the notion that most avian species have evolved in environments where there is little benefit to the social learning of unpalatability.
D: The experiments suggest that the acquisition of food preferences in avian species is largely unaffected by social learning.有影響 第二段第二個實驗
E: The experiments show that social learning in avian species can promote the preferential consumption of beneficial foods but do not support the claim that social learning in avian species promotes the avoidance of noxious or toxic foods. 第二段兩個結論

據說參考答案是 3E 5E 6E

文章: 200
註冊時間: 2005-08-23 20:41

文章maronchen1103 » 2005-10-04 10:17

文章主要討論social learning在鳥類存不存在....(用各個實驗去證明)
而非探索存在或不存在的原因....我覺得E用possible reason非文章主旨

第五題我不是很懂ㄟ 有人可以指教嗎
文章說even demonstrator hens react with obvious disgust to noxious food, no evidence that observers avoid eating that food.
就算有感覺也是相反阿...react obviously to noxious food


文章: 54
註冊時間: 2005-09-01 23:14

文章Tinamo » 2005-10-06 22:11

maronchen1103 \$m[1]:都沒人回這篇ㄟ
文章主要討論social learning在鳥類存不存在....(用各個實驗去證明)
而非探索存在或不存在的原因....我覺得E用possible reason非文章主旨

在文章後半段提出Sherwin's recent experiments with domestic hens do not support(=question)the notion that avian social learning necessarily facilitates aversion to novel foods that are noxious or toxic.(此為文章前半段結論)

maronchen1103 \$m[1]:第五題我不是很懂ㄟ 有人可以指教嗎
文章說even demonstrator hens react with obvious disgust to noxious food, no evidence that observers avoid eating that food.
就算有感覺也是相反阿...react obviously to noxious food



Demonstrator hens altered their behavior less obviously in response to noxious foods than
in response to highly palatable foods.
中的 demonstrator改成observers會比較符合文意呢?
文章: 34
註冊時間: 2005-06-14 23:16

文章step by step » 2005-10-28 14:46

1.mammals在social learning方面的表現情況
2.birds在social learning方面表現的情況
完全沒有提到posssible reasons why birds may or may not learn from each other in a particular way,所以答案不會是(E)

step by step
文章: 33
註冊時間: 2005-08-16 16:41

文章yellowten » 2006-09-01 20:08

28-3: The primary purpose of the passage is to discuss the
A: techniques used in certain experiments on social learning in birds
B: reasons for the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals
C: question of how social learning manifests itself in birds
D: basis for a widespread belief about a difference in behavior between birds and mammals
E: possible reasons why birds may or may not learn from each other in a particular way



Social learning in animals is said to occur when direct or indirect social interaction facilitates the acquisition of a novel behavior. It usually takes the form of an experienced animal (the demonstrator) performing a behavior such that the naïve animal (the observer) subsequently expresses the same behavior sooner, or more completely, than it would have otherwise. One example of social learning is the acquisition of preferences for novel foods. Some experiments have suggested that among mammals, social learning facilitates the identification of beneficial food items, but that among birds, social learning helps animals avoid toxic substances. For example, one study showed that when red-wing blackbirds observed others consuming a colored food (30) or a food in a distinctly marked container and then becoming ill, they subsequently avoided food associated with that color (35) or container. Another experiment showed that house sparrows consumed less red food after they observed others eating (40) red food that was treated so as to be noxious. Studies on non-avian species have not produced similar results, leading researchers to speculate that avian social learning may be fundamentally different from that of mammals.

綠色部分就是在說明之前的認知 也就是notion(belief)





But Sherwin's recent (50) experiments with domestic hens do not support the notion that avian social learning necessarily facilitates aversion to novel (55) foods that are noxious or toxic. Even when demonstrator hens reacted with obvious disgust to a specific food, via vigorous head (60) shaking and bill wiping, there was no evidence that observers subsequently avoided eating that food. Sherwin's research team speculated that ecological or social constraints during the evolution of this species might have resulted in there being little benefit from the social learning of atability, for instance, selective pressures for this mode of learning would be reduced if the birds rarely encountered noxious or toxic food or rarely interacted after eating such food, or if the consequences of ingestion were minimal. (80) In a related experiment the same researchers showed that if observer hens watched demonstrator hens react favorably to food of a particular color, then observer hens ate more food of that color than they ate of food of other colors. These results confirmed that avian species can develop preferences for palatable food through social learning.

D都沒有人認為是對的嗎?? ><
文章: 51
註冊時間: 2006-03-15 14:01

文章chour » 2006-09-07 20:52

部分學者認為:social learning: mamals(學吃好的食物) <--> birds(學著避免吃不好的)(並舉2例說明birds行為)
文章的最後一句話是結論句,更能看出重點是在說鳥的social learning

重心還是放在鳥身上,至於是否有difference in behavior between birds and mammals,則似非作者討論的重點
文章: 87
註冊時間: 2006-04-11 15:13

文章jameslu1208 » 2006-10-03 02:25

28-5: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the experiments on domestic hens conducted by Sherwin’s research team? (第二段內容)
A: Only a small number of observer hens appeared to learn to avoid food that was demonstrated by other hens to be noxious.
B: Observer hens ingested food preferentially only after numerous instances of witnessing demonstrator hens preferentially ingest that type of food.
C: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable.
D: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable.
E: Demonstrator hens altered their behavior less obviously in response to noxious foods than in response to highly palatable foods.

為什麼不是A 雖然我覺得答案都不是很漂亮 當初也猶豫很久
文章根本沒有講到雞對於 有毒的 跟 好的食物 的反應作比較
只說明有毒食物因為某因素 所以看不到學習行為的產生

文章: 17
註冊時間: 2006-05-04 13:46

文章ergh » 2006-11-07 14:51

According to the passage, which of the following is true of the experiments on domestic hens conducted by Sherwin’s research team?

A.Only a small number of observer hens appeared to learn to avoid food that was demonstrated by other hens to be noxious.
B.Observer hens ingested food preferentially only after numerous instances of witnessing demonstrator hens preferentially ingest that type of food.
C.Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable.
D.Demonstrator hens reacted adversely to ingesting certain novel foods.
E.Demonstrator hens altered their behavior less obviously in response to noxious foods than in response to highly palatable foods.

Sherwin’s research team
(65) speculated that ecological
or social constraints during
the evolution of this species
might have resulted in there
being little benefit from the
(70) social learning of unpal-
atability, for instance,
selective pressures for this
mode of learning would be
reduced if the birds rarely
(75) encountered noxious or
toxic food or rarely inter-
acted after eating such food,
or if the consequences of
ingestion were minimal.
In a related experiment,
the same researchers
showed that if observer
hens watched demonstrator
hens react favorably to food
(85) of a particular color, then
observer hens ate more
food of that color than they
ate of food of other colors.

E.Demonstrator hens altered their behavior less obviously in response to noxious foods than in response to highly palatable foods.
open to discuss
文章: 76
註冊時間: 2006-04-06 13:00

文章sigridbear » 2006-11-18 08:06

Social learning in animals is said to occur when direct or indirect social interaction facilitates the acquisition of a novel behavior. It usually takes the form of an experienced animal (the demonstrator) performing a behavior such that the na&iuml;ve animal (the observer)subsequently expresses the same behavior sooner, or more completely, than it would have otherwise. One example of social learning is the acquisition of preferences for novel foods.

定義動物界的Social learning. 這樣的行為可以在透過觀察動物對於新食物的挑選偏好中得知

Some experiments have suggested that among mammals, social learning facilitates the identification of beneficial food items, but that among birds, social learning helps animals avoid toxic substances

socail learning能夠使哺乳類動物挑選對自己有幫助的食物, 而鳥類更可以透過socail learning學習到分辨有毒食物

For example, one study showed that when red-wing blackbirds observed others consuming a colored food (30) or a food in a distinctly marked container and then becoming ill, they subsequently avoided food associated with that color (35) or container. Another experiment showed that house sparrows consumed less red food after they observed others eating (40) red food that was treated so as to be noxious. Studies on non-avian species have not produced similar results, leading researchers to speculate that avian social learning may be fundamentally different from that of mammals.

舉兩種非家禽類的鳥如何透過social learning分辨有毒食物

But Sherwin's recent (50) experiments with domestic hens do not support the notion that avian social learning necessarily facilitates aversion to novel (55) foods that are noxious or toxic.

根據s的研究,家禽類的鳥就不一定能透過social learning分辨有毒的食物

Even when demonstrator hens reacted with obvious disgust to a specific food, via vigorous head (60) shaking and bill wiping, there was no evidence that observers subsequently avoided eating that food.

沒有明顯證據顯示透過social learning後家禽並不會吃這些有毒食物

Sherwin's research team speculated that ecological or social constraints during the evolution of this species might have resulted in there being little benefit from the social learning of atability, for instance, selective pressures for this mode of learning would be reduced if the birds rarely encountered noxious or toxic food or rarely interacted after eating such food, or if the consequences of ingestion were minimal.

所以s研究推論: 生態和社會環境會影響鳥類的social learning (家禽是被飼養的,所以在幾乎沒有機會遇到有毒食物,比較沒有野生環境危險的威脅下,就沒有被環境淘汰的壓力, 於是social learning 的能力將大幅下減.)----->由此可以推論出鳥類透過social learning辨別有毒食物的能力在家禽身上"並不明顯",所以Q5的E是對的,而B錯在"only after numerous instances of witnessing demonstrator hens preferentially ingest that type of food" 因為"only"太武斷,文章中沒有講到only

In a related experiment the same researchers showed that if observer hens watched demonstrator hens react favorably to food of a particular color, then observer hens ate more food of that color than they ate of food of other colors. These results confirmed that avian species can develop preferences for palatable food through social learning.

但家禽還是會透過social learning而有挑選食物的偏好(注意:文章中沒有提到only)

至於Q 3 的話,答案是c
D 錯在重點不是mammal和鳥類行為不同的根本,而是關於socail learning 是如何在鳥類身上顯現其作用. 我們可以透過mammal選擇對自己有幫助的食物這樣的行為觀察到social learning,但是並不是所有的鳥類都可以透過social learning辨別有毒食物,家禽類就不見得
E 錯在"may or may not learn from each other in a particular way"第一段就說了兩種鳥如何透過social learning辨別有毒食物,第二段也說了domestic hens可以透過social learning develop preferences for palatable food.所以重點不是在"有沒有"social learning而是s的研究對於有些研究所顯示的"鳥類透過social learning可辨別有毒食物"提出疑問,並且說明是因為生態環境不同,鳥類呈現socail learning的型態也不同.
文章: 4
註冊時間: 2006-07-26 15:14

3B 5D 6E

文章keane0727 » 2007-03-11 22:54

看了CD和這網站發現Q3沒有人跟我一樣選B… *-)

文章一開始解釋Social learning in animals是什麼,隨過帶入核心問題對mammals來說Social learning造成B果(beneficial food),但是對bird來說social learning造成T果(toxic food). 作者用red-wing blackbirds、sparrows及non-avian的實驗來illustrate該核心問題。並指出這些實驗使研究人員猜測造成該核心問題是birds' social learning與mammals' social learning 本質上完全不同(leading researchers to speculate that avial social learning may be fundamentally different from that of mammals)
But Sherwin's recent experiments卻指出有的bird (hen)卻不會表現出T果,反而可以表現出B果,因此weaken birds' social learning與mammals' social learing 在本質上完全不同之old theory. Sherwin並指出真正造成核心問題的原因是進化時的生態或社會制約(ecological or social constraints during the evolution of this species)

A techniques..無關
B. reasons for the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals正確,這裡reasons就是ecological and social constraints;核心問題就是the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals
C. question of how social learning manifests itself in birds;大體上birds就是以T果來manifests social learning,這點不是個question而是先前觀察及實驗的結果,而且也不是本文的main idea
D. basis for a widespread belief about a difference in behavior between birds and mammals基本上basis for a widespread belief就不對了因為widespread belief就是old theory, old theory怎能為本文的重點?而且該basis就是red-wing, sparrow, non-avian 的study,顯然不正確
E. possible reasons why birds may or may not learn from each other in a particular way,這個答案容易讓人上當,E的reasons其實就是要來回答B的reasons。因此,E是detail。証明了在social learning本質一樣時也可能會產生不同的結果也就証明了mammal與bird的social learning也可能本質上沒有不同只是環境因素造成了不同的結果

Q5 E不對, 全文只關心do demonstrators alter observers' behavoir沒有說到how demonstrators altered their(demonstrators') behavior
文章: 134
註冊時間: 2006-05-24 16:57

文章keane0727 » 2007-03-20 19:18

文章: 134
註冊時間: 2006-05-24 16:57

文章pimi » 2007-04-03 01:56

其實我也是選B 總覺得答案C只有講到鳥 而沒講到哺乳動物 感覺就有點太偏 不像主旨
但是有點孤立無援, 因為鮮少人討論B耶
文章: 388
註冊時間: 2005-01-21 14:50

文章cktseng » 2007-10-15 20:06

28-3: The primary purpose of the passage is to discuss the
A: techniques used in certain experiments on social learning in birds
B: reasons for the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals
C: question of how social learning manifests itself in birds
D: basis for a widespread belief about a difference in behavior between birds and mammals
E: possible reasons why birds may or may not learn from each other in a particular way

我覺得這一題真難 CDE 很難選

A: Technique 錯

B: reasons for the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals 錯
本文的主旨不是討論 "reasons" for the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals
根本沒提到reasons for the differences
本文提到 ... may be fundamen-tally different ... 是為了接下來的討論作開頭

C. question of how social learning manifests itself in birds
本文的重點是question之前的experirments來看social learning behaviors in birds

D. basis for a widespread belief about a difference in behavior between birds and mammals 錯
錯在本文重心是放在avian species; behavior of mammals 目的用來陪襯Sherwin’s recent experiments 來提出反證
1. no evidence that observers subsequently hens avoided eating that food
2. avian species can develop preferences for palatable food through social learning

E: possible reasons why birds may or may not learn ...
"possible reasons"並非本文的主旨
文章: 31
註冊時間: 2005-10-02 16:18

文章小花 » 2007-11-06 20:24

pimi \$m[1]:其實我也是選B 總覺得答案C只有講到鳥 而沒講到哺乳動物 感覺就有點太偏 不像主旨
但是有點孤立無援, 因為鮮少人討論B耶


C: question of how social learning manifests itself in birds
文章: 392
註冊時間: 2007-08-23 14:59

文章小花 » 2007-11-06 21:40

經過多次閱讀 Q3的C選項比較好

定義 => 實驗=>結論 =>反駁=>實驗=>結論(生物類文章好像都是這個模式)
mammals只是文章枝葉, 藉由mammals了解social learning定義
so 刪B D

question字眼one study, Another experiment showed, speculate,
do not support
文章: 392
註冊時間: 2007-08-23 14:59


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