由 cyberace » 2006-05-17 01:28
剛接到CHICAGO GSB的電話,終於從備取名單上被拿下來,收到錄取通知了。
Re-applicant was denied by Kellogg, Sloan, Stanford, Chicago, and Columbia last year and Kellogg, Stanford, and Columbia this year.
Admitted by HAAS (R3) and Chicago (R2).
Journalism Major, graduate in 2001
W/E 4.5yrs in International Public Relations Consultancy as Marketing Communication Consultant and Account Director
GMAT 690, TOEFL 267 ( 都考了三次 490, 610, 690; 247, 250, 267)
International Industry Awards Recognition: Young PR Professional of the Year 2003, PRWEEK AWARDS (Asia Pacific), IABC Gold Quill AWARDS, IPRA GWA
第二輪3/26收到W/L通知之後,就開始請之前的學校教授跟總公司(在芝加哥)的大老闆寫推薦信。同時告訴學校這兩位正在準備推薦信給Ad Com。在四月底,這兩位都把推薦信寄出去了。然後總公司的老闆還補了電話給GSB的院長跟副院長(真的是我的超級貴人!)
At this time we are finalizing our round three decisions which includes reviewing waitlist candidates.
If you are no longer interested in remaining on the waitlist, please respond to this email by Wednesday, May 11th at 12:00pm CST.
收到時真是傻眼,趕快寫信告訴Ad com我狠想念芝加哥的ambition. 還補了電話去確定他們還有把我留在W/L上。Adcom的人說我不需要再補東西過去,然後這禮拜會通知我。
然後就是剛才深夜的錄取電話,Adcom的associate admission director還說其實上禮拜就可以跟我說,只是因為程序問題,必須要到這禮拜才通知我。事情就是這樣。
看看我的附件, W/L的人應該會有幫助