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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - Where can I go in New York City?

Where can I go in New York City?


版主: agk99

Where can I go in New York City?

文章lideichuang » 2008-06-28 13:51

Hi, folks:

This is Kevin and I am planning to travel in Boston and New York City the end of July for a couple of days. (4 day for Boston and 4 days for New York City) However, I really have no idea where I can go!!! Could you give me some suggestions or the schedule for three or four days, including where I can go, where I can eat, where I can go shopping, How I can take the subway, and how much I have to prepare, and so on.

Also, is there anybody who wants to travel in New York city during that period (7/27-7/31)? I already booked the hotel, so I am not worried about my accommodation. I am going there by myself and I hope somebody can go with me or meet there on one or two days, so that we can take care of each other.
umm...I am looking forwards to hearing from somebody's help!!!
I will really appreciate it! Thank you!

Kev. :smile
文章: 2
註冊時間: 2008-06-18 13:49
來自: IUP

文章genmy » 2008-07-17 23:43

你可以去買ㄧ本小小的旅遊手冊 書店都會有
最好是有副小地圖的那種 可以隨身攜帶
要玩最好是玩個一週啦 時間比較充裕就不用一直趕一直衝
我之前玩過四天三夜 很趕啦
要是可以玩一個禮拜 你可抽出一天時間白天去大都會博物館 中央公園 晚上百老匯
也可以抽出一天的時間在南邊玩 搭船去看自由女神像(請早 排隊要很久)
然後去little italy露天座喝咖啡 去chinatown吃飯
還有一個地方叫flushing, 很多美味食物在哪裡,但是在皇后區捏,要坐有一點久的subway唷
我那時去 就是要去感受那邊的氣氛而已 不買東西(東西很貴 衣服在outlet打折還是很貴)
還有阿,穿雙好走的鞋子 那邊的建築很有特色
Happiness cannot exist without sorrow.
文章: 117
註冊時間: 2005-01-24 15:50
來自: Minnesota

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