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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - school info:: CU (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

school info:: CU (Chinese University of Hong Kong)


版主: cerries, modern

school info:: CU (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

文章AquaGirl » 2010-04-12 11:14

這是一個CUMBA畢業校友的回覆!因為email往來很多次,我把一些under 同一主題的討論放在一起!分享給大家 :)

我個人對中大了解是Alumni networking很不錯,至少是香港三間有名的MBA中最早成立的、finance 很強但是其他industry也不少!現在學校也更努力consulting這塊的培養!其實學校做很多事情,只是可能不善於宣傳,所以可能給一些人的印象是有點弱!至於以前排名不好的問題,我問學校的結果是"以前回覆問卷調查的Alumni人數太少,根本不到可被評量的最低標準,所以才會排不進排名(*FT的)!"

Q1. exchange program/ dual degree v.s. international exposure.
Ans: We do have some chances of international exposure from the exchange program. But the thing is that you have to understand that most of the program do not last more than 4 month. So, you will be able to understand the school, the culture within a semester. I could not really tell you if that is enough or not, since my exchange was to SG, which does not have a great difference from CUHK when compared with schools from Europe and US. But I do cherish my time at SG and enjoyed the time.

The exchange program was really good, actually depending much on the exchange school that you are visiting. I happened to apply for NUS, as I want to know more of the SE Asia, and NUS is a public school with lots of resources, so it was a great experience. Case competition or networking, is there, all depending on your own or your team's effort.

As for the dual degree, yes, I think that was the most frequent asked question from all of these whom applied or tries to apply CUMBA. Even I was attracted into the program due to the dual degree. But to be honest, many of us whom entered the program with a desire to do MBA few really would like to do an extra MBA. Reasons are quite simple, since after doing the program, you kinda feel its all the same, and not much of point of doing another MBA just for the sake of the name or fun.

But in our class, 3 of our classmates did do the dual degree program, two in HEC and one at TA, reasons are that they are looking for jobs in that region. The one who went to TA, went to the US since her bf is working there, and she wants to work there too after graduation. The other two whom went to HEC wants to work in fashion and winery industry. So, it makes great sense.

Q2. consulting after CUMBA
Ans: As with the information of classmates whom are now in the consulting field, most of them are from Europe. We have one at the VW consulting, one at a consulting firm in Germany, another one at Cognizant Tech Solution in Netherlands. IBM consulting here in HK, and one more Cognizant Tech Solution in India. But now, one of the classmates at IBM left not long ago. The reason why more Europeans are in consulting field is that it seems to be more of a trend for this consultancy industry in Europe and US than in Asia. And many of the Europeans whom took up jobs in the consultancy industry is that they used to be one before MBA.

Q3. CUMBA helps a lot for your post MBA career?
Ans: Well, to be honest, most of us thinks that the cumba career office is not much of a help, they are all very nice and tries to help you, but dont know if its becoz of our "good timing" that they actually cannot do much. They did put some effort in providing us some opportunities in doing interview, but the main thing is that, this kind of opportunity is a public one, not those of referral related. As you know in this part of the world referral is almost everything in a job industry whether you buy it or not.

Q4. Why CU?
Ans: Well, yes, I actually had three offer, and that was CUHK, HKUST and NUS back then. The reason for me to chose CUHK, was mainly because I signed the contract, and do not really want to deny it after signing, though I won't said if this decision was good or bad, since some of my classmates where constantly telling me why i dont want to chose hkust when i can. But as in terms of my consideration for choosing, I would say it fits pretty much to your selection. Its a gate to China and with international exposure. Though the time when I make my selection, the relationship between China and Taiwan was not as it is now. So, if you have made up your mind to be working in China later after graduation, and if you also obtains a selection of choice for PRC schools, I would say you sure can also consider about the school at PRC.

As you may have heard of before, MBA is all about region esp if we are not attending those that are like top of the top in the world. Otherwise, it really differs from region and or should say, country to country. Like CUHK seems pretty decent, but to be honest, the experience I had back at TW when job hunting, was no where to compare with the NTU and the NCCU! Because most of the managements from the business industry come from these schools! So, as much as I want to deny it, there still is a strong relationship of this "學長學弟" aspect in it.

Q5. it's easy for Taiwanese to work in HK after MBA?! some people say that it's very competitive for the working environment in HK, especially for Taiwanese since that we can't speak Cantonese, English is not good enough, and there are many MBA graduates from US top B-schools.... true?
Ans: Well, I would say “some people” are quite true, as you may have known, it is really very demanding in the HK working environment, and unlike in tw or china. And though my colleagues they all said cantonese is not a must, yes could admit that its not a must... but it sure makes you feel as if you are from a different world if cantonese is not good. But if your chinese and english is to the level of fluent in terms of speaking and writing, I think there will still be some company interested in you, especially for those MNC, which has a lot of contact with the mainland.

Actually, after working in HK, i can feel that hknese actually quite envy the relationship of twnese and chinese, especially after all the changes of new policy btw tw and china. So, you could be sure that being a twnese gives quite some advantages, use this advantages well, and especially when you have the working experience of working there for two years!
最後由 AquaGirl 於 2010-04-13 23:39 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
IESE MBA Class 2012
文章: 17
註冊時間: 2004-09-27 21:08

Re: school info:: CU (Chinese Hong Kong University)

文章mikelee » 2010-04-13 07:49


Mike Lee
FormorsaMBA Team

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Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice.And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
------ Steve Jobs
文章: 440
註冊時間: 2009-08-10 18:34
來自: FormosaMBA Office

Re: school info:: CU (Chinese Hong Kong University)

文章AquaGirl » 2010-04-13 12:44

我差點選了這間學校的原因是覺得他畢業之後在中國、香港的就業機會、薪水等等並不會比非top biz school差太多(當然真的是要看產業和個人努力,中間變數很多)。加上成本比起去美國低很多(大家查一下學費就知道了,而且成績好一點的話還有機會拿獎學金)。最後如果少西方經驗的話,可以透過交換學生或dual degree來彌補缺憾!從金錢的角度來分析,是個不錯的選擇!

說到最後,出去念書還是要看個人想獲得什麼:cross-cultural experience? better career post MBA? fame? 然後再回頭選學校!
IESE MBA Class 2012
文章: 17
註冊時間: 2004-09-27 21:08

Re: school info:: CU (Chinese Hong Kong University)

文章raist » 2010-04-13 19:28

謝謝分享 :)
在適合自己的學校,提高申請上的機率~ :grin:
文章: 130
註冊時間: 2009-08-20 00:22

Re: school info:: CU (Chinese Hong Kong University)

文章mikelee » 2010-04-13 22:40

當初跟AquaGirl 妹聊,總覺得她其實最念念不忘的是,中大的雙聯學位

大家可以參考下面的雙聯學位聯結, very cool option

Modern,我都幫你學校打廣告了,你也該現身了吧 哈


UT Austine雙聯學位 ... ustin.html

MIT雙聯學位 =>本人非常好奇這是一個怎麼樣的雙聯學位,知道的人說一下阿
Mike Lee
FormorsaMBA Team

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Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice.And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
------ Steve Jobs
文章: 440
註冊時間: 2009-08-10 18:34
來自: FormosaMBA Office

Re: school info:: CU (Chinese Hong Kong University)

文章AquaGirl » 2010-04-13 23:42

mikelee \$m[1]:當初跟AquaGirl 妹聊,總覺得她其實最念念不忘的是,中大的雙聯學位

大家可以參考下面的雙聯學位聯結, very cool option

Modern,我都幫你學校打廣告了,你也該現身了吧 哈


UT Austine雙聯學位 ... ustin.html

MIT雙聯學位 =>本人非常好奇這是一個怎麼樣的雙聯學位,知道的人說一下阿

因為最讓我覺得遺憾的就是我還是沒離開亞洲,沒離開greater china area呀

MIT的dual degree:我前天問了adcom的人,基本上學的是是管理科學!但是非常競爭,全世界的申請者競爭25個名額!!
IESE MBA Class 2012
文章: 17
註冊時間: 2004-09-27 21:08

Re: school info:: CU (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

文章modern » 2010-04-14 00:38

Morden Chen |CUHK MBA Class of 2008

文章: 1319
註冊時間: 2005-10-19 23:31
來自: Microsoft China

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