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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - 2007.Nov.24 CEIBS info session@Shanghai心得

2007.Nov.24 CEIBS info session@Shanghai心得


版主: cerries, modern

2007.Nov.24 CEIBS info session@Shanghai心得

文章odinxiv_orig » 2007-11-25 12:50

最近人都在蘇州,所以昨天專門去一趟上海參加info session。

主講者是Prof. Cremer/Ms.Yvonne/校友Miss Zou/MBA07 Mr. Chen


1. Prof. Cremer對中國的passion很高,對中國的potential也深具信心
2. 迄今院內教授47人(根據CEIBS校友雜誌the link 07秋季刊之資訊)
3. MBA 07錄取196人,36%為非中國港澳台之外籍學生
3. MBA 07約30~35%已婚
4. 台灣籍學生八員,但都不在info session現場
5. MBA 08預估錄取190人
6. Q&A時我有提問:根據Prof. Cremer的介紹,case material目前大多數從其他有名的商學院尋找(HBS, Ivey...),這些case和China business有何直接關連呢?
Prof. Cremer回答:good question,focus on China business的case撰寫需要花時間研究/累積,目前case不止向別人買,院內教授還與其他商學院教授合作研究撰寫case,由於中國商業環境的成熟,及院內教授人數的增加,往後focus on China的case material會越來越多。

1. CEIBS排名主要是靠畢業生薪資成長來撐,對於教學/case study方面,短期內應該還不如USA的top tier business school。
2. CEIBS在MBA教育裡已經切出很獨特又很有潛力的一個市場,也就是:focus on China的西式business school。在這個領域,CEIBS幾乎沒有對手。
3. 對於生涯規劃在大陸的人,CEIBS提供次於USA M7的選擇。為何說次於呢?因為M7已經有數十年歷史,累積的教學經驗/校友資源不是CEIBS可在短時間內趕上的,對於想進入IB/consulting的人來說,M7仍是達成目標之最佳選擇,但並非每一位申請者都可以強到進M7,也不是每一位M7學生都可以進IB/consulting,進了IB/Consulting的台灣人也很有可能被派到Great China(美國次貸危機正在延燒,但中國還是強勁成長=>美國的缺變少,中國的缺變多),那繞了這一大圈得到的究竟是什麼?若申請不到M7,去CEIBS在中國區做IB/Consulting的機率搞不好大些。
4. 回顧過去三年,CEIBS的外籍學生比例由20%左右提升到30%~35%,在diversity部分大大增加,加上在金融時報/Forbes的explosure rate,未來申請難度只難不易,相對的CEIBS MBA的價值也會繼續看漲
5. 去上海玩/出差已經好幾次了,我個人非常喜歡上海,以後有適合的機會也想在此地定居,因為氣候適中/離台灣近/潛力十足,若中國發展勢頭不變,展望未來二十年,這裡是很適合的working base。

文章: 4
註冊時間: 2007-06-03 08:27

文章modern » 2007-11-25 15:36


我想應該不只你一個人去聽這場,希望還有更多人能上來post感想囉 :)
Morden Chen |CUHK MBA Class of 2008

文章: 1319
註冊時間: 2005-10-19 23:31
來自: Microsoft China

Re: 2007.Nov.24 CEIBS info session@Shanghai心得

文章adamlo » 2007-11-26 04:32

odinxiv \$m[1]:重點:
4. 台灣籍學生八員,但都不在info session現場

Although TW info session not held in China, we are more than welcome anyone of you reaching us in campus. Here are two student ambassadors from TW. You could see more details from the link:

As for the number of 2007 Taiwanese, actually we have broader unofficial definition. There are additional 3 ABC from TW and 1 HK working in TPE for 3+ yrs; moreover, 9 males and 3 females. TW represents the largest non-China student group. Hopefully future endeavors could win you a CEIBS seat and expand our base.

odinxiv \$m[1]:6. Q&A時我有提問:根據Prof. Cremer的介紹,case material目前大多數從其他有名的商學院尋找(HBS, Ivey...),這些case和China business有何直接關連呢?

Besides Prof. Cremer's feedback, our daily classes need to crack many Chinese Biz cases, building up the understanding and skills to analyze the problem facing global and Chinese organizations. For example, Cola War in China: Coca, Pepsi, vs. Wahaha; Nike, Adidas, vs. Li Ning.

Furthermore, China students often initiate the issue discussion on transformation of HR, Financial Accounting, or stock market analysis comparing the China with the world systems.

64% Chinese and 36% international students mix provides China entrants a gate to know the largest growing market in global views.

Adam Lo
2007/2009 MBA
China Europe International Business School

專注 堅持 Keep Walking
文章: 15
註冊時間: 2006-12-27 00:27

文章emily1103 » 2007-11-26 18:22

前天Info Session石化廳座無虛席,好像還有人站著!!! 如果我記得沒錯的話,石化廳的容量大約是300人,很高興能有這麼多人對中歐MBA有興趣!

個人覺得你的見解相當合理,中歐有他自己的優缺點。 由於我們的Associate Dean and Academic Director是Marketing Professor, 用Marketing來解釋的話,中歐對自己的市場定位相當清楚,他有自己的Target customers. 中歐的Value proposition與M7相差很大,最初中歐成立的目的是教育未來的Chinese Managers, 與M7市場相當不同。

p.s. 我那天有去啦! 只是沒待到最後! 別以為台灣人都不熱心喔!!
p.s.s. Taiwanese 2007 CEIBS MBA 預計12/22/2007在台灣辦一個說明會,目前仍在找尋適當地點,意者請洽:

文章: 6
註冊時間: 2007-06-25 13:37

文章imagenooks » 2007-12-05 23:29

Was in Shanghai for the interview this week. Would like to share my observations with everyone.

The location of campus is in suburban area of Shanghai where a lot of foreigners live at. .

The advantage of CEIBS is its location. 450/500 fortunate 500 companies have their branches or Aisan HQ in shanghai. With western training eduction, the opportunities to switch career or to secure a decent position look very positive. Moreover, as a Taiwanese student, I can choose to pay with domestic rate in RMB.

Interview process went well, but with one thing worth of mentioning is that interviewer actually asked about my political stand point as she mentioned that I would find most of students hold different opinions against me. Not sure if this is something that hapenned before or wut...

anyways, good luck with eveeryone who's applying CEIBS.
文章: 80
註冊時間: 2005-10-16 14:43

文章vickie166cm » 2007-12-06 13:13

imagenooks \$m[1]:Was in Shanghai for the interview this week. Would like to share my observations with everyone.
Interview process went well, but with one thing worth of mentioning is that interviewer actually asked about my political stand point as she mentioned that I would find most of students hold different opinions against me. Not sure if this is something that hapenned before or wut...

Thank Imagenooks for sharing this piece of information. This is special and rare case. I had interview in March, 2007 to apply 2nd round for 2007 MBA program, and I was asked general questions. In my point of view, CEIBS will not reject one just because of one's political view point. Instead, the interviewers would like to know how one justifies one's position and how logically one thinks and states the reason.

I was asked below questions:
1. Why do you apply CEIBS?
2. What's your career goal in 5 years?
3. What could you contribute to CEIBS? ( This is important one that you had better to think about in advance.)
4. How did you demostrate your leadership in your previous job?
5. How did you deal with tough situation in your previous job?

Frankly speaking, 80% of quesions would be related to your previous work, your motivation to apply, your career path. Rehearsal would be very helpful, especially for persons who get nervous easily. What's more important, rehearsal would help you find the flaws when you justify your position. You could fix them before interview.

Good luck to all applicants! I am looking forward to seeing more Taiwanese students on campus of CEIBS!

Vickie CEIBS MBA07-09
文章: 3
註冊時間: 2007-07-06 19:08

文章emily1103 » 2007-12-06 21:07

It's quite interesting case. I don't think that happened to any of the Taiwanese applicants who got accepted this year..... My personal experience with the locals here are fine. People here are really curious about Taiwan. We have a classmate who's been with People's Liberation Army for many years and I get along fine with him as well. Frankly speaking, I don't think anybody would get into trouble because of his or her politics.

By the way, just want to share some information that I got from the MBA office. The number of applications increased 40% this year in 1st round as compared with last year. Moreover, the proportion of international applicants to domestic (Chinese) applicants reached 50:50 in 1st round. Needless to say that competition is heavier and I personally think CEIBS will accept higher percentage of foreign students this year.
文章: 6
註冊時間: 2007-06-25 13:37

文章imagenooks » 2007-12-06 22:07

Hi emily and vickie,

Please don't get me wrong! I am not really worried about the interview question as vickie stated that this is more just a question to see how you can justify yourself. As I was educated in Vancouver, I do have many friends from China, and personally I have lots of experiences dealing with it. I just thought this is rather an unorathdox question that people would encounter during a MBA interview. Hence, I would like to share it with the future applicants. :)

The community where the school is located is very decent. I can see that the Canadian government does spend some "decent" bucks on this hongfeng road.

In sum, the school does impress me with its application processing speed and the willingness of help me on the interview process. Personally, I would recommand this school to anyone who's interested in expanding their future careers in China. I believe the location of CEIBS gives students a great advantage.

文章: 80
註冊時間: 2005-10-16 14:43

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