NUS MBA 2014/9/5 at Westin Taipei


版主: James, Behemoth

NUS MBA 2014/9/5 at Westin Taipei

文章cheesemouse » 2014-08-26 14:57


Leadership Influence for Managers: How to Build a Positive Leadership Image?
NUS MBA reveals the secret in Taipei on Sep 5

時間:2014.09.05 (五) 19:00-21:00 (18:30入場)
地點:台北六福皇宮 Westin Taipei

新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore,簡稱NUS),是新加坡歷史最悠久、最富國際盛名、首屈一指的世界級頂尖大學。2014年QS評為新加坡第一商學院、全球最佳大學亞洲大學第1名!新加坡國立大學提供亞洲地區多元化的MBA課程,憑藉著卓越的學術成就和國際化的商業經驗,培養學生成為全球市場企業的頂尖人才。2014年被《Financial Times》International Mobility評選為全球第10!

"Undoubtedly, many Taiwanese would take the MBA Programme in USA or in Europe as their first priority, but I chose a different way to extend my career path. Job opportunities are more accessible in Asia, and in Singapore, the NUS MBA programme holds such a great position with geographic benefits, professional faculty, Asia-focus know-how, international students, aggressive career services, and abundant resources."Jayson Huang Chung-En, Taiwanese, Class of 2011

"Singapore is a pivot bridge between the East and West. Its culture, economic environment and business all provide me with a practical laboratory to experience business in Asia. I chose the NUS MBA for its highly reputable programme internationally, prestigious faculty staff, and Asian-oriented curriculum."Michelle Sung Chao Hui, Taiwanese, Class of 2011
文章: 246
註冊時間: 2010-12-30 13:02

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