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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 查看主题 - [服務]INSEAD申請問與答



版主: Yimmiwan, swingtail, AquaGirl, stern, whf1111


帖子Yimmiwan » 2007-08-13 19:56

各位對申請INSEAD有興趣的同學,距離Sept 2008 intake第一輪申請截止日期已經不到兩個月了。小弟要到2008一月才開學,願意在這段期間幫忙回答一些第一輪和第二輪申請者的問題。


另外,INSEAD今年將繼續跟隨The MBA Tour 於 9/16到台北舉辦說明會。請興趣的同學請先註冊報名。
When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
帖子: 271
注册: 2006-10-21 10:45
地址: The Big Apple

帖子GOBLIN » 2007-08-15 09:35

Dear Yimmiwan,
It’s very nice of you. I’d like to response your generosity by follow questions.
1. Could you please share any less well-known strength of Insead, besides its famous internationality and two-campus flexibility? I think it might be good to know when applying the school.
2. How’s Insead Alumni network in Asia?
3. Could you describe their overall teaching method? Any special courses or program that might beat other B-schools?

帖子: 43
注册: 2006-02-13 18:32

帖子Yimmiwan » 2007-08-15 10:22


I will answer your question to the best of my knowledge. Feel free to further your questions based on my responses.

GOBLIN \$m[1]:1. Could you please share any less well-known strength of Insead, besides its famous internationality and two-campus flexibility? I think it might be good to know when applying the school.

Well, there are always the endless parties. :PP But seriously, I can't say enough about how great the students I have encoutered throughout my application process and after admitted. While student diversity is part of the internationality, the cooperative nature and teamwork among students start even before I start school. As there are more than 50 countries' alumni associations across the world, I know I can always find a familiar person in a strange land. Student is definitely one of the real INSEAD strengths that hasn't been mentioned enough.

GOBLIN \$m[1]:2. How’s Insead Alumni network in Asia?

I would honestly say that I don't really know, as I haven't been to the Asia campus and have not be in any professional capacity in Asia. However, I will say giving the presence of INSEAD Singapore campus, INSEAD has built a good reputation in Asia and more its graduates are likely to stay in Asia, allowing great network opportunity. Not surprisingly, a great portion of Asia campus graduates stayed in Singapore, but China and India also have large presence of INSEAD alumni. So if your future focus is in Asia (not exclusively in China), you probably don't need to worry about networking opportunity from INSEAD.

GOBLIN \$m[1]:3. Could you describe their overall teaching method? Any special courses or program that might beat other B-schools?

I don't know the answer yet as I haven't attended a class. But just like any top school (exclude HBS & Darden), the classes are taught by a combination of lecture, project, group work and case. As for special courses, I haven't looked into the list of classes yet. I know there are some geographical region focused classes that cover various topics. Entrepreneurship is also a major focus now in specialization.
最后由 Yimmiwan 编辑于 2007-08-15 19:31,总共编辑了 1 次
When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
帖子: 271
注册: 2006-10-21 10:45
地址: The Big Apple

帖子pockyqueen » 2007-08-15 12:31

hello Yimmiwan,

I'm not sure if this is what people usually call you or if you have a different English name that you prefer. I happened to see your little sharing here and I'd love to hear some sharing from you!

I just finished my undergrad degree last spring and I have about one year of working experience. My gmat score is 710 and I was just wondering whether this score combined with my little working experience would be a weakness for my application to INSEAD 2008 intake. Could you please give me some advice on the application process and what I should be aware of when writing my essay?

Could you talk a little bit about your experience?

*Why did you choose INSEAD over other famous US universities such as Harverd or whichever? (since you got admitted to INSEAD, i assumed that you had a very strong background and outstanding experience:p)
*What do you think is the more important to INSEAD when they pick the candidate? GMAT score, working experience, or how well you standout among thousands of applications?
*I heard that INSEAD has a strong academic resource in terms of entrepreneurship because its students are mostly entrepreneurs. But what about other academic subjects like marketing?

I'd appreciate it if you could help me with these questions. I plan to apply for 2008 fall semester and I'm now starting to work on my applications. Your response could be very useful! Thanks!
最后由 pockyqueen 编辑于 2007-08-16 00:51,总共编辑了 1 次
帖子: 41
注册: 2007-07-12 23:46

帖子MarkHsu » 2007-08-16 00:48

2. How’s Insead Alumni network in Asia?

INSEAD's alumni is strongest in London & Singapore.

--I'd say that it's definitely growing in other places in Asia. Hong Kong is sizable. I have heard that in China, there are 300 alum working there now.

--Taiwanese alumni is growing rapidly, approaching 50 now I believe. But the thing is most Taiwanese alum work overseas.

--Alumni club in Japan is very strong and active.

3. Could you describe their overall teaching method? Any special courses or program that might beat other B-schools?

INSEAD is the same as other top schools--a mix of lecture and case.

Extra commentary: My guess is that you're a prospective student. My general advice is that there is not much difference in teaching method at most business schools, with the exception of HBS & Darden which do all case. But honestly, case is just a lot of BS. It's what we called a discussion or seminar course as undergrads.

There are classes where case is effective to learning, but having a case format is sometimes inefficient for certain subject matters or the teacher is just horrible.

My general feeling is that business schools in general over-emphasize their "teaching and curriculum."

帖子: 315
注册: 2005-11-02 04:53

帖子MarkHsu » 2007-08-16 00:58


I just finished my undergrad degree last spring and I have about one year of working experience. My gmat score is 710 and I was just wondering whether this score combined with my little working experience would be a weakness for my application to INSEAD 2008 intake. Could you please give me some advise on the application process and what I should be aware of when writing my essay?

Sorry to butt in here, but I can't seem to resist throwing my 2 cents. (I think it's a sign of age.)

Without passing judgment or assessing your admissability, I'd say there's a dffierence being admissable and employable.

Having said this, people of all ages enter business school. I think if you put together a compelling application, then schools will certainly take a look at you. And in some cases, you can even be admitted without meeting the avg work experience.

But, I'd urge you to think a bit longer term. What happens once you graduate? Withour work expereince can you really leverage your MBA and advance to better opportunities?

The answer is usually no. In general, Taiwanese students tend to enter MBA with less work experience and less understanding of their career choices. As a result, Taiwanese graduates of top MBA programs in general perform worse than other international students in their post-MBA job search.

Anyway, just something to think about. The MBA is always going to be there. You can apply this yr, next yr, in 2-3 yrs, etc.

But if you don't find a job immediately after you graduate, the value of an MBA decreases exponentially.
帖子: 315
注册: 2005-11-02 04:53

帖子Yimmiwan » 2007-08-16 07:38

Thank you Mark for the additional insight and thoughts.
When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
帖子: 271
注册: 2006-10-21 10:45
地址: The Big Apple

帖子Yimmiwan » 2007-08-16 08:20

pockyqueen \$m[1]:hello Yimmiwan,

I'm not sure if this is what people usually call you or if you have a different English name that you prefer. I happened to see your little sharing here and I'd love to hear some sharing from you!

you can call Yimmi/Yimmy too if you want. The creation of this nickname is a story of its own. :PP As for real name you can find in my msn.

pockyqueen \$m[1]:I just finished my undergrad degree last spring and I have about one year of working experience. My gmat score is 710 and I was just wondering whether this score combined with my little working experience would be a weakness for my application to INSEAD 2008 intake. Could you please give me some advice on the application process and what I should be aware of when writing my essay?

I concur with Mark's opinion on this situation. Giving that INSEAD is a one year program (10 months really for Sept intake), I would say INSEAD students will have to rely even more heavily on their previous working experience to leverage the benefit of INSEAD/business school when searching for jobs, comparing to U.S. schools' students, who will have the benefit of doing full-time summer internships, which you won't get from INSEAD Sept intake.

I won't tell you whether you should apply or not. If you do, stress whatever significant professional achivement(s) you completed in the past one year. For some essay questions, you can even go as far back as to high school (as I did) to talk about your experience. Definitely shoot for R1 if you can complete the application. However, I will simply note that past admitted statistics are against you in both work experience & age. Please see most recent class profile below.

pockyqueen \$m[1]:Could you talk a little bit about your experience?

*Why did you choose INSEAD over other famous US universities such as Harverd or whichever? (since you got admitted to INSEAD, i assumed that you had a very strong background and outstanding experience:p)

I chose to go to business school in Europe for both professional and personal reasons. My goal was aiming for LBS & INSEAD first, and if not getting in, then tried for US schools. At this point, all business expriences I have accumulated so far, both academically and professionally, have been under the US "system" and "influence", and I do want to go out to experience different work culture and "style" to further my career, no matter where I end up in the long term. I will spare my personal reasons. ;HH

pockyqueen \$m[1]:*What do you think is the more important to INSEAD when they pick the candidate? GMAT score, working experience, or how well you standout among thousands of applications?

Like any other business school, INSEAD look at everything you present. Academically you are fine (GPA, GMAT), but your work experience would likely be the weak part. If you have strong extracurriculum, it may offset your work experience. If you have professional certification or award, it will help too. I personally have relatively weak GPA but good GMAT, decent but not outstanding work experience yet happening to be in a hot company of a hot sector now, and good cross-culture experiences between US & Taiwan but not as extensive as many others. How well did I standout among all other applicants? The answer is I don't know but I guess my application was good enough in Adcom's eyes so I was admitted.

pockyqueen \$m[1]:*I heard that INSEAD has a strong academic resource in terms of entrepreneurship because its students are mostly entrepreneurs. But what about other academic subjects like marketing?

How strong the academic resource in entrepreneurship? I don't know as I haven't started the program. But entrepreneurship is certainly a goal in many students' minds. My honest opinion is that you can't learn entrepreneurship, you either have the "guts" to do it or you don't. Accounting, finance, marketing, sales, or even strategy are all just subjects that one can learn by reading books or attend professional class. The best a school can do is providing an environment to encourage and support ideas and opportunities for entrepreneur, which I believe INSEAD do provide such an environment.

If you have specific personal question that won't help general applicants, you can send me a message instead.
When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
帖子: 271
注册: 2006-10-21 10:45
地址: The Big Apple

帖子MarkHsu » 2007-08-17 00:27

Just to add in what I know about INSEAD's entrepreneurship curriculum/culture:

--Academically, there is Prof Phil Anderson who is considered an academic/opinion leader in his field--entrepreneurship. His classes are some of the most popular in INSEAD. I actually had the chance to audit a couple of his classes. (FYI, I didn't attend INSEAD or any other b school unless you count 2 weeks @ Columbia, but my wife is an alum).

What I found unique about his classes is that he writes 1) his own case studies so no generic stuff from Harvard and 2) his case studies are relevant to the region. For example, his class is about entrepreneurship in Asia-Pacific, but instead of talking about Acer/Stan Shih, his case studies are original and change from year to year. (The point that I am trying to make is that for example a common case study used by business school, including NTU undergrad, about strategy is Southwest Airlines. It's used b/c it's written by Harvard. But I question the wisdom of using this as a case when for example 40% of your class is comprised of international students or in NTU's case, 100% are non-Americans, for the simple reason that if you have not flown Southwest Airlines it is very difficult to comment on the case intelligently. This is what I consider a US-centric view of business. One of the strengths of INSEAD is that in everything it does it trys to take a more global perspective on things, which levels the playing field for all students)

--Though INSEAD and many other schools are known to be entrepreneurial, the reality is few schools actually produce entrepreneurs. You can learn about entrepreneurship, but you can't learn gut or courage, which is what you need to start a business. The percentage of people who start a business right out of an MBA program is definitely less than 3%.

--Some recent INSEAD alum who have made it big through entrepreneurship: Kevin Ryan, founder of Doubleclick which was recenlty sold to Google for $3+ billion and the founder of, the leading job site in China.
帖子: 315
注册: 2005-11-02 04:53

帖子pockyqueen » 2007-08-17 01:05

hi mark,

I have to say that it's very nice of you to share such useful information here! I find it very helpful, inspiring, and..scary?! haaa

I do agree with what you said, What happens once you graduate? Withour work expereince can you really leverage your MBA and advance to better opportunities? The answer is usually no. In general, Taiwanese students tend to enter MBA with less work experience and less understanding of their career choices. As a result, Taiwanese graduates of top MBA programs in general perform worse than other international students in their post-MBA job search.

However, I also strongly feel that MBA will lead me to a career transition because I do know what I want to do but I just dont seem to have the chance right now. (well..right now i can't really picture myself starting a company right after the MBA program)

What do you think about spring intake? There's an 8-week summer break in between the terms and this will probably give me a chance to do some internship. (btw, Yimmi is this why you apply for Jan intake instead of Sep intake?) Do you think an internship opportunity would be a good way to further advance my skills and prepare myself for post-MBA employment? (I didn't participate in any internship program during my undergrad years and I did feel that the decision kinda have a negative impact on me. but it's all in the past...)
最后由 pockyqueen 编辑于 2007-08-19 01:11,总共编辑了 1 次
帖子: 41
注册: 2007-07-12 23:46

帖子Yimmiwan » 2007-08-19 01:04

Yes. The opportunity to do an internship is one of the main reasons I choose the Jan. intake. As whether doing an internship will help you find post-graduate job, it depends. If you want to go into finance, especially investment banking, an internship is almost always a must if you don't have prior IB or strong finance expreience. (Personally, I don't even think my accounting expreience really counts for IB, though it was in investment industry.) For other industries and companies, it will still come down to how well you interview and how much you can convince employers that you have the skills and abilities to do the job, and your past experience may serve as an indicator. Doing an internship will certainly give you the experience that you can use to apply for post-graduate employment, but how meaningful the internship (just 8 weeks, not the standard 12 weeks) to employers will likely vary.
When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
帖子: 271
注册: 2006-10-21 10:45
地址: The Big Apple

帖子Yimmiwan » 2007-08-30 21:53

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
有興趣參加者請由下面連接報名 ... events.cfm

會比在MBA Tour or World MBA Tour有機會更了解學校
另外因為在說明會的學校代表不會參與Admission Committee的決策

例外如果有同學剛好在哪個週末無法參加說明會和MBA Tour的博覽會而錯過跟INSEAD互動的機會
INSEAD也會在11月8號在World MBA Tour設攤位
When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
帖子: 271
注册: 2006-10-21 10:45
地址: The Big Apple

帖子Yimmiwan » 2007-08-31 20:56

看樣子當天說明會會有一位教授做一個case discussion
When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
帖子: 271
注册: 2006-10-21 10:45
地址: The Big Apple

帖子joylindudu » 2007-09-07 10:02

請問有沒有當天要討論case 的資料?希望可以先看一下當天要討論的內容,謝謝
帖子: 6
注册: 2006-03-13 22:37

帖子Yimmiwan » 2007-09-10 06:42

When one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell
帖子: 271
注册: 2006-10-21 10:45
地址: The Big Apple


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