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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - [分享]2006/12/16 高雄中正考場IBT 燒燒分享 (已收錄)

[分享]2006/12/16 高雄中正考場IBT 燒燒分享 (已收錄)


版主: micki, miaoidio, marchmarch, spritee

[分享]2006/12/16 高雄中正考場IBT 燒燒分享 (已收錄)

文章mouqueen » 2006-12-18 16:26

記得不多 希望有幫助囉 :laugh
3.忘記幾世紀應該是18世紀吧,那時人門不重視art craft 反而比較重視fine art,後來˙主張把craft納入art的範疇來,後來則在討論factory 裝置有關,大意記得是說,以前較不重視工廠的裝飾,但是後來發現裝飾好的工廠,員工的生產力會較高...
5.Observing Natural Selection ,JJ 裡也有詳細的吧
1.跟閱讀factory 裝飾那篇有關,個人覺得超像,只是趕成用聽力的
2.轉貼追夢網12/15的JJ ,可惡 幾乎一樣的 QQ
第一篇是一个入学新生和保安的谈话。学生本来是应该去housing office领取宿舍的钥匙,但是因为飞机晚点,行李丢失,出租车司机迷路很晚才到学校,housing office以于5点关门。于是学生去保安室看有什么办法没有。保安说她可以安排学生入住宿舍,并向学生要他的宿舍地址好给他钥匙,但是因为行李丢失,学生没有宿舍地址在身上。学生问保安电脑记录会不会有,但是保安解释说电脑现在暂时坏了,每办法看。最后保安看学生“今天”遭遇多多,安排他住进conference room,就是学校一般开研讨会的hotel,让他好好先睡一晚,第二天再解决钥匙的事情。
3.是说marine biology。说的是软体动物,分了两大类,还主要讲了珍珠是怎样形成的。细节记不清楚了,因为很多生物名词,但是题目不难。


5.还有一个听力是学生和老师关于marketing proposal的谈话。学生打算推广一个当地的诊所,这个诊所不同一般在于人们不需要预约可以直接walk-in。老师说这个想法很好,但是学生的research section还没有形成,并且给了学生一些建议,比如去考察一下别的walk-in clinic都是怎样宣传的....并且建议学生找同学collaborate。

Speaking:(跟12/15北美JJ一模一樣 囧)
1. What is your favorite time of the year? Why?
2.2. A conversation between a boy and a girl. The girl hurt her back and the doctor told her she needs plenty of rest for a whole month. She is not getting better because she has to haul the heavy textbooks around campus. The man suggests her that since she lives on campus, she can go back to the dorm to get the textbook for the next class withouth carrying them around. She did not want to do that because her dorm locates on one side of the campus and it takes extra 20 minutes for her to get her textbooks that way. The the man suggested her sharing textbooks with her classmates. She can explain that this is just temporary to her classmates. The girl did not like this idea either because she likes to take notes on the margin of the book so she can better review for the tests.
The question is which solution do you prefer and why?

3.About psychological term "extinction". When someone has an undesirable behavior, other people give what he wants in order to stop this behavior. However, intentionally or not, this is a reward for that person and he will continue doing this undesirable thing in the future.

The listening passage gave an example about a mother taking her son to the grocery store. When they passed the cookie isle, her son started whining and crying because he wanted the cookie. The mother, in order to stop his embarrasing behavior, finally gave in and bought him the cookie. She was not aware that she was actually rewarding the boy's undesirable behavior and he will repeat this in the future. What she should do is to ignore his whining and crying. Therefore, his crying behavior is not rewards and this behavior is going to decrease untill it eventually disappears. And that is what's called extinction in psychology.
The school is not going to let first-year undergraduate to park on campus. Two students were discussing about this. The girl at first thought this is a good idea and the boy did not. He believed that to cancel freshman parking on campus is not going to make a big different and according to his research, there were actually only 85 first-year undergraduates who actually applied for a parking pass. 85 spaces are not significant enought to solve the parking problem. He also suggested that the school should change the lot behind the football stadium into a parking lot and that is the long-term solution to the parking problem.

5.About archetects. The article said that back in the 18th century, many archetects did not want to build regular buildings(engineers build regular buildings). They only got involved in huge projects like palaces. However, in the 19th century, the situation started the change. Some archetects started to work with big companies, like Henry Ford. His company was very famous and it wouldn't hurt for archetect to work with his factories. The listening passage mentioned two famous archetects: Julius and Albert Zahn who are brothers. Julius invented steel bars in cement, making it more reliable. (我觉的就是我们国内说的钢筋混凝土)Thia invention made it possible to reduce the support structure space and provide more interior space for factories. Albert, the other brother, also uses this cement structure and he also likes to use a lot of windows, makes his factory designs with plenty of light and one storey so that the workers' working condition is better and the movement of materials is easier with only on storey. Later a British archetect was mentioned. He introduced Julius's cenment structure to Britain and he was also an advocate for improving working conditions for the workers. However, unlike the brothers mentioned earlier, he puts more emphasis on the factory's exterior. The Hoover factory was on a busy road and its exterior looks like a palace. This is because they want to establish good public image.

6. To open a business, you needs to get financial support from investors. There are two major documents. Business plan and summary. Business plan is very long, with a lot of details. It provides all the info investors need to know before making decisions, including the layouts of your products, service and intended customers. In contrast, summary is brief with some general information. Because a lot of investors are very busy, they may not have time to read a long business plan, so a good summary works to gain their interest and decide if they want to move on to read the business plan. The speaker also mentioend an example of her friend who wanted to open a furniture business. At first she only sent out business plans and no investor contacted her; later she sent out summary first and became successful

1.the reading passage was about introducing foreign species to new areas. The article mentioned three big aspects of negative results: destroy the new local environment and native species; upset local ecological balance; impose economic burden. The speaker later refuted these three positions using cow in america, cane toad in florida and mesquite in africa. These examples are the same ones used in the reading passage simply with different aspects.

2. Do you agree with the statement that it is better to have intelligent friends than friends with a good sense of humor?
文章: 2
註冊時間: 2006-07-05 23:18

文章gwrien » 2006-12-19 02:43

文章: 17
註冊時間: 2006-05-16 23:58

文章nexxt0722 » 2006-12-19 10:43


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註冊時間: 2005-03-19 15:30

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