

版主: shpassion, Traver0818


文章andyyehyayyay » 2008-12-30 10:54




Quantitative score = 800 (94%)
Verbal score = 620 (88%)
Writing score = 5.5 (87%)

整份 **用英文學英文的筆記講義**, 可適用於GRE/GMAT/TOEIC/TOEFL的準備資料, 有意取閱者請電洽 Lucia x0932186860 或是 James x26403251 x26601302.


以下為例字詞句: raconteur and rapport

[D] A raconteur is a good story teller, a good narrator, or a good conversationalist.
[D] A raconteur is someone who excels in telling anecdotes.
[X] Although Clinton is a well-known raconteur on overseas flights, it turned out that Bush was the charmer on that trip, introducing everyone all around, taking a shine to a couple of Clinton’s aides and generally making folks feel at ease.
Michael Duffy, TIME, December 26, 2006, When Opposites Attract

[D] If a couple of people or groups have a rapport, they have a good relationship in which they are able to understand each other's ideas or feelings very well.
[N] Synonyms are 'harmony', 'affinity', 'bond', 'connection', and 'empathy'.
[X] The chief in command took the plunge to establish a rapport with the Indian people.
[X] The success largely depends on good rapport between interview and interviewee.
[X] Intellectual rapport is key to a grad student's development.
[X] The football star has good rapport with his teammates.
[X] In team teaching, it is important that all teachers in the group have good rapport with one another.






Tradition versus innovation;
The proper role of government in a policy setting;
Competition versus cooperation;
Purposes of art, literature, education, science, or technology;
Nature versus nurture;
Will computers replace teachers or other human workers?
How do we define human progress?
How do we define success (in terms of wealth, special talent, or intellectual capability)?


Definition 字彙定義(有時要對兩個類似字彙做定義上的區分)
Information 資訊分析(明白剖析作文題目所蘊含的資訊、假設與隱意)
Vocabulary 字詞活用(有些關鍵字詞的運用可幫助達到前後呼應之效)
Example 範例運用(每一論點應該以生活上或歷史上的例子來作加強)

讀者在練寫argument文章時,切忌發表個人論點,隨心所欲的增添個人色彩。這點是issue以及argument作文題目的最大差異之處。讀者在練習argument文章時,應該著重於發現、分析、甚至反證作文題目之中的邏輯謬誤(logical fallacy)。在此筆者列舉幾項常見的邏輯謬誤:

Sometimes a rule or principle that applies to a part may not apply to the whole. For instance, a car accident in the central business district does not necessarily reflect that there is always heavy traffic at high speed. In other words, it is important for the reader to access more information (such as weekly traffic rates) to judge whether heavy traffic or high speed is a major cause of all car accidents.

It is important to compare the likes with the likes. In other words, it is unreasonable to compare apples with oranges. For instance, a man may appeal to a doctor’s authority on a medical issue. But if the issue is about dermatology and the doctor is a neurologist, then the latter’s expert advice would be questionable.

We can identify an unwarranted assumption if the conclusion of an argument rests on an implicit or explicit premise that is false, vague, or ambiguous. A good example is as follows:

“Either restrictions must be placed on freedom of speech or certain subversive elements in society will use it to destroy this country. Because it is inadequate to allow the latter, we must restrict freedom of speech.”

The above conclusion is not sound because:
subversive may or may not in fact find ways to destroy the country;
the author fails to consider an accommodation between the alternative options;
the meaning and scope of freedom of speech has not been defined;
subversives may or may not be a real threat to our way of life.

Circular reasoning entails an assumption or premise that the author tries to prove. The argument may be so long that the reader forgets that the conclusion was stated as a premise. The following sentence serves as an example:

“The death penalty is adequate for traitors because it is right to execute those who betray their own country and so risk the lives of millions.”

The above argument is circular because “right” has the same meaning as “adequate”. In effect, the author is saying that the death penalty is appropriate because it is appropriate.

It is incumbent on the author to provide evidence or support or substantiate his or her position. To say that a position is true because no one has disproved it is to shift the burden of proof to others. A good example relates to the words “atheistic” and “agnostic”. The former is used to describe someone who does not really believe in God, whereas, the latter is used to describe someone who does not believe it is possible to prove God’s existence.

“Because no one has been able to prove God’s existence, there must not be a God.”

There are a couple of major weaknesses in this argument. Firstly, the fact that God’s existence has yet to be proven does not preclude any future proof of existence. Secondly, if there is a God, one would expect that his existence is independent of any proof by man.



1. 美國年代雜誌(TIME)
2. 英國經濟學人(The Economist)
3. 美國紐約時報(New York Times)
4. 美國華盛頓郵報(Washington Post)
5. 英國財經時報(Financial Times)
6. 國家地理雜誌(National Geographic)
7. 簡明新世界歷史(The New Penguin history of the world)
8. 聖經(The Bible)
9. 常春藤名家散文背誦選
10. 名人書信一百篇
11. 名人演講一百篇
12. 高階英漢詞典(Collins Cobuild advanced learner’s dictionary)
13. 英漢漢英成語常用語翻譯辭典(Chinese equivalents to English idioms)

筆者綺玉子(Emily Rochefort rochefort2010@gmail.com
文章: 2
註冊時間: 2008-02-06 13:30

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