GWD-8-Q35 to GWD-8-Q37(婦女薪資要不要和男性一致題)

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版主: shpassion, Traver0818

Re: GWD-8-Q35 to GWD-8-Q37(婦女薪資要不要和男性一致題)

文章 » 2009-09-27 11:49

根據前文 "These policy analysts believe that the problem is not caused primarily by wage inequity but rather by low wages coupled with single parent hood, regardless of sex. " 有些分析家認為問題並非因為 wage inequity, 而是 " low wages 加上 single paretnhood "
所以他們質疑政否只用wage來當作家庭收收入的主要依據 <= 按照上面, analysts認為應該也要將是否為signle parenthood考慮進去
所以後面 urge the government to provide generous wage supplements (child and housing allowances) to single-parents whose wages are low. 補助單親且低收的家庭
所以Q35, 的確單是 (B)based on assumptions about the appropriate sources of family income
政府的assumption認為wage 是family income的appropriate sources, => 所以如上面解釋, analysts 認為假設不該如此單純, 所以challenge

個人解讀, 參考一下吧
文章: 6
註冊時間: 2005-09-20 19:05


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