
GMAT 考的是閱讀....閱讀....還是閱讀....

版主: shpassion, Traver0818


文章Huang Hsin-Yi » 2008-01-14 20:59

Essay #6. 196 (22098-!-item-!-188;#058&00196-00)

According to P. F. Drucker, the management philosophy known as Total Quality Management (TQM), which is designed to be adopted consistently throughout an organization and to improve customer service by using sampling theory to reduce the variability of a product's quality, can work successfully in conjunction with two older management systems. As Drucker notes, TQM's scientific approach is consistent with the statistical sampling techniques of the "rationalist" school of scientific management, and the organizational structure associated with TQM is consistent with the social and psychological emphases of the "human relations" school of management.
TQI是設計用來採取一貫性及改善客服用樣本理論來減少產品品質的多樣性,它可和兩個古老的管理系統一起運用. TQM的科學方法和理性主義學校的科學管理中的統計樣本的技術是一致的 ,並且也和強調心理人際關係的學校也一樣
However, TQM cannot simply be grafted onto these systems or onto certain other non-TQM management systems. Although, as Drucker contends, TQM shares with such systems the ultimate objective of increasing profitability, TQM requires fundamentally different strategies. While the other management systems referred to use upper management decision-making and employee specialization to maximize shareholder profits over the short term, TQM envisions the interests of employees, shareholders, and customers as convergent. For example, lower prices not only benefit consumers but also enhance an organization's competitive edge and ensure its continuance, thus benefiting employees and owners. TQM's emphasis on shared interests is reflected in the decentralized decision-making, integrated production activity, and lateral structure of organizations that achieve the benefits of TQM.
然而,TQM不能簡單的從這些系統或其它非TQM的管理系統移植.雖然 tqm最後一起和這些系統最終是要創造利潤,但tqm基本上要求不同的策略.當其它管理系統提到使用高階管理決策與員工專業化來達到短期股東利潤的最大化, TQM集員工,股東及客戶利益為一點.例如,低價…….o TQM強調分享利益是分權決策,合併生產活動和橫向組織來達到TQM的利益.
Question #20. 196-05 (22190-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-05)

Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the first paragraph?

(A) It presents contrasting explanations for a phenomenon presented in the first paragraph.
(B) It discusses an exception to a general principle outlined in the first paragraph.
(C) It provides information that qualifies a claim presented in the first paragraph.
(D) It presents an example that strengthens a claim presented in the first paragraph.
(E) It presents an alternative approach to solving a problem discussed in the first paragraph.

Huang Hsin-Yi
文章: 1038
註冊時間: 2007-08-17 00:41
來自: Tainan

文章小花 » 2008-01-14 22:46

(轉折詞)However, TQM (語氣強)cannot simply be grafted onto these systems or onto certain other non-TQM management systems. Although, as Drucker contends, TQM shares with such systems the ultimate objective of increasing profitability, TQM requires fundamentally different strategies

qualifies OG閱讀有出現
有一點修正 ,使...更好的意思

文章: 392
註冊時間: 2007-08-23 14:59

文章Huang Hsin-Yi » 2008-01-15 09:25

我應該是 文章的tone沒抓到

然而TQM不是只簡單地移植...........雖然它也和其它一樣追求利潤....... 它還要求根本性不同的策略

qualify:to add sth to a previous statement to make the meaning less general or less strong.
最後由 Huang Hsin-Yi 於 2008-03-04 12:03 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。
Huang Hsin-Yi
文章: 1038
註冊時間: 2007-08-17 00:41
來自: Tainan


文章chris8888 » 2008-01-18 10:34

According to P. F. Drucker, the management philosophy known as Total Quality Management (TQM), which is designed to be adopted consistently throughout an organization and to improve customer service by using sampling theory to reduce the variability of a product's quality, can work successfully in conjunction with two older management systems.
1. 根據PF, TQM用來改善顧客服務, 借樣本理論去降低產品品質的變異性, TQM可以很成功的與兩個舊的管理系統結合.
As Drucker notes, TQM's scientific approach is consistent with the statistical sampling techniques of the "rationalist" school of scientific management, and the organizational structure associated with TQM is consistent with the social and psychological emphases of the "human relations" school of management.
1. 如Dru表示 : TQM的科學方法與統計樣本技術一致, 此技術有關於理論主義學派, 組織架構, 強調社會和心理.

However, TQM cannot simply be grafted onto these systems or onto certain other non-TQM management systems. Although, as Drucker contends, TQM shares with such systems the ultimate objective of increasing profitability, TQM requires fundamentally different strategies.
1. 然, TQM不能單單被嫁接到這些系統, 或者其他非TQM的系統, 儘管TQM跟其他系統都是要賺錢, 但是基礎上不同
While the other management systems referred to use upper management decision-making and employee specialization to maximize shareholder profits over the short term, TQM envisions the interests of employees, shareholders, and customers as convergent.
1. 其他系統著重於短期, TQM展望員工, 股東, 和顧客合併在一起的利益
For example, lower prices not only benefit consumers but also enhance an organization's competitive edge and ensure its continuance, thus benefiting employees and owners.
1. 舉例, .... 先不看
TQM's emphasis on shared interests is reflected in the decentralized decision-making, integrated production activity, and lateral structure of organizations that achieve the benefits of TQM.
1. TQM強調整體的利益.

Question #19. 196-01 (22144-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-01)

The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) point out contradictions in a new management system
新管理系統的矛盾? No
(B) compare and contrast the objectives of various management systems 比對各種管理系統的目標, No
(C) identify the organizational features shared by various management systems 定義出組織結構的特色, No
(D) explain the relationship of a particular management system to certain other management systems
解釋TQM與其他系統不同, 強調的點也不同, 著重的點不同, 這樣可以說是relationship, 我不知道, 我只能說ETS是外國人, 我不知道他大腸裡面藏什麼東西??? 但這是唯一可以選的了.
(E) explain the advantages of a particular management system over certain other management systems 解釋TQM的優點, 要超過其他的管理系統. 應該是各有所強調才對, 並沒有說誰強誰弱.

Question #20. 196-05 (22190-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-05)

Which of the following best describes the relationship of the second paragraph to the first paragraph?

(A) It presents contrasting explanations for a phenomenon presented in the first paragraph.
現象?? No. 不用看了. 這不是在描述現象
(B) It discusses an exception to a general principle outlined in the first paragraph. 例外?? TQM的著重點和其他系統的著重點, 沒有例外
(C) It provides information that qualifies a claim presented in the first paragraph.
他提出資訊, 此資訊更進一步去闡述一項主張, 在第一段所提出的
qualify <== 根據原先的文章脈絡, 更進一步以及更深一層的去說明.
有點限制的意味, 比方說, 你提到麥當勞在台灣迅速擴張, 好, 我們qualify this discussion, 來談談麥當勞在台灣迅速擴張到底還有哪些不同的觀點.
(D) It presents an example that strengthens a claim presented in the first paragraph. 舉例支持, 沒看到強化或支持的說明
(E) It presents an alternative approach to solving a problem discussed in the first paragraph. 替代的方法?? 沒有看見

Question #21. 196-06 (22236-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-06)

According to the passage, the rationalist and human relations schools of management are alike in that they
According to the passage <== 表示文章一定會明講, 不需要推論

As Drucker notes, TQM's scientific approach is consistent with the statistical sampling techniques of the "rationalist" school of scientific management, and the organizational structure associated with TQM is consistent with the social and psychological emphases of the "human relations" school of management.

(A) are primarily interested in increasing profits
(B) place little emphasis on issues of organizational structure
(C) use statistical sampling techniques to increase profitability
(D) are unlikely to lower prices in order to increase profitability
(E) focus chiefly on setting and attaining long-term objectives
我差點選這個, 豬頭, 其他的系統雖強調短期獲利, TQM強調整體的作法固然有長期的意味, 但他沒有主要著重在獲得長期的目標, 應該是說它著重在整體的考量, 包含顧客, 員工, 最後達到獲利性. 沒刻意強調長期.
文章: 444
註冊時間: 2007-07-31 22:47

文章pinkdreamland » 2008-04-01 16:34


Question #21. 196-06 (22236-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-06)
According to the passage, the rationalist and human relations schools of management are alike in that they
題目問TQM與the rationalist and human relations schools of management的相同點,回原文定問找比較句型:Although, as Drucker contends, TQM shares + [相同點] with such systems the ultimate objective of increasing profitability, TQM requires fundamentally different strategies. [不同點]
Although句型:表強對比,TQM與the rationalist and human relations schools of management相比較
子句: 相同點 =>本題考點所在: the ultimate objective of increasing profitability = are primarily interested in increasing profits[同意改寫句子]主句: TQM不同點
文章: 5
註冊時間: 2007-06-19 23:45

文章pinkdreamland » 2008-04-01 17:07

33. Question #19. 196-01 (22144-!-item-!-188;#058&000196-01)
The primary purpose of the passage is to

考main idea,找本文的topic sentence:
定位第一段第一句:介紹TQM,以及與the rationalist and human relations school的關係
According to P. F. Drucker, the management philosophy known as Total Quality Management (TQM),…[definition:解釋說明TQM]…可省略不讀…, can work successfully in conjunction with two older management systems.(D) explain the relationship of a particular management system to certain other management systems
正確選項(D):重點在該句謂語 can work successfully in conjunction with two older management systems
in conjuction with = the relationship
文章: 5
註冊時間: 2007-06-19 23:45

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