由 yilingsky » 2007-06-14 21:05
The passage suggests(要的是更深層的涵義)which of the following about patenting in the semiconductor industry during the period from 1982 to 1992 (推出在 passage 中深層的涵義的主題) ?
2.找出主題在passage 中的位置,並找出因果關係
Ziedonis and Hall,
for example(看懂上面的定義,舉例就略讀), found that
investment in research and
development (a reasonable
proxy for innovation) did
(20) not substantially increase
between 1982 and 1992,
the industry’s most feverish
period of patenting. Instead,(重點在後)
semiconductor firms simply
(25) squeezed more patents out
of existing research and
development expenditures.
Moreover, Ziedonis and
Hall found that as patenting
(30) activity at semiconductor
firms increased in the
1980’s, the consensus
among industry employees
was that the average quality
(35) of their firms’ patents
declined.(此句話才是主題要推出的涵義---當patenting activity↑→quality↓)
當patenting activity↑→quality↓
This decline in
(45) quality may be related to
changes in the way semiconductor
firms managed
their patenting process:
rather than patenting to win
(50) exclusive rights to a valuable
new technology, (rather than出現,重點在第二句)patents
were filed more for strategic
purposes, to be used as
bargaining chips to ward
(55) off infringement suites(擋住別人的侵略) or
as a means to block
competitors’ products.
有兩個strategic purposes→quality↓(跟"答案D"的因果關係一樣)
當patenting activity↑(原題主題)→strategic purposes(更深層的涵義)→quality↓
文章中並無提及:semiconductor patent 在科技文獻變少,而會削弱patenting activity increased
The declining number of citations per semiconductor patent in the technical literature undermines the notion that patenting activity increased during this period.