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FormosaMBA 傷心咖啡店 • 檢視主題 - [問題]Prep-T1-Q122



版主: shpassion, Traver0818


文章dibert8 » 2007-06-23 07:52


Surveys have shown that in up to 40 percent of elderly people living independently in affluent countries, the consumption of one or more essential nutrients is insufficient or they have deficient levels of these nutrients in their blood.

(A) in up to 40 percent of elderly people living independently in affluent countries, the consumption of one or more essential nutrients is insufficient or they have
(B) in up to 40 percent of elderly people who live independently in affluent countries, they consume one or more essential nutrients insufficiently or have
(C) in up to 40 percent of elderly people who live independently in affluent countries, one or more essential nutrients are consumed insufficiently or having
(D) up to 40 percent of elderly people living independently in affluent countries who consume insufficient amounts of one or more essential nutrients or who have
(E) up to 40 percent of elderly people who live independently in affluent countries consume insufficient amounts of one or more essential nutrients or have

Ans: E

"in up to" vs "up to", 又選錯邊了! 選 (B). 差一個 in 考點在哪裡?
up to ... 介係詞片語可以當主詞嗎?
文章: 2202
註冊時間: 2007-01-08 01:17

文章iambear2320 » 2007-06-23 15:18

不清楚in是甚麼東西 可能是來阻礙視線的
這題的主詞應該是40 percent of elderly people , up tp 應該只是形容40%吧?
句意就是高達40%獨立活在富足國家的老年人 沒有消費足夠的nutrients
文章: 34
註冊時間: 2007-06-17 21:34

文章dibert8 » 2007-06-24 06:11

Surveys have shown that up to 40 percent of elderly people {who live independently in affluent countries} consume {insufficient amounts of one or more essential nutrients} or have {deficient levels of these nutrients in their blood}.

that 子句裡,主詞是 up to 40 percent, 動詞是 consume or have (平衡).不知 up to 有當形容詞或副詞的用法嗎?

查到的字典裡 up to 只作介係詞.
from Merriam-Webster,
up to [preposition]
1 -- used as a function word to indicate extension as far as a specified place <sank up to his knees in the mud>
2 -- used as a function word to indicate a limit or boundary <up to 50,000 copies a month> <worked up to the last minute>
文章: 2202
註冊時間: 2007-01-08 01:17

文章A級垂耳兔 » 2007-06-24 14:29

Surveys have shown that in up to 40 percent of elderly people living independently in affluent countries, the consumption of one or more essential nutrients is insufficient or they have deficient levels of these nutrients in their blood.

(A) in up to 40 percent of elderly people living independently in affluent countries, the consumption of one or more essential nutrients is insufficient or they have
(B) in up to 40 percent of elderly people who live independently in affluent countries, they consume one or more essential nutrients insufficiently or have(they in up to 40 percent of elderly people
(C) in up to 40 percent of elderly people who live independently in affluent countries, one or more essential nutrients are consumed insufficiently or having
(D) up to 40 percent of elderly people living independently in affluent countries who consume insufficient amounts of one or more essential nutrients or who have(沒動詞)
(E) up to 40 percent of elderly people who live independently in affluent countries consume insufficient amounts of one or more essential nutrients or have

A 附屬子句並列時用代名詞讓人誤以為指代consumption ...用they錯誤且指代不清
B they in up to 40 percent of elderly people修飾語邏輯錯誤
C 各位看到having別客氣先砍在說
D 附屬子句沒動詞
E 並列結構正確...百分比結構xx percent of 名詞,由名詞的單複數決定謂語的單複數...主動ㄧ致沒有問題~~~
文章: 451
註冊時間: 2006-09-04 17:47
來自: 台北市

文章hwatai » 2007-09-01 23:45

the consumpotion感覺不出來是誰的consumption,至少要寫成their consumption會比較清楚
文章: 247
註冊時間: 2005-02-19 16:22
來自: 牛棚

Re: [問題]Prep-T1-Q122

文章Philosophia » 2008-10-04 17:45

查了一下 Longman & Cambridge,好像沒特別看到 up to...之前加上任何 preposition.

加 in 與否,是否只是 'prepositional phrase' and 'noun group' 的差別呢?
文章: 235
註冊時間: 2006-11-03 04:24

Re: [問題]Prep-T1-Q122

文章nataliechen » 2011-05-15 11:49

here's my opinion for (B), 歡迎大家給我任何意見

(B) (in up to 40 percent of ) elderly people (who live independently in affluent countries), they consume one or more essential nutrients insufficiently or have

結構為: (介係詞 or 副詞片語) + elderly people (S)+ (who 從句), they + V (consume)+O(nutrients)...

文章: 2
註冊時間: 2011-04-25 12:18

Re: [問題]Prep-T1-Q122

文章yentzu » 2011-08-30 11:50

a b c 可以立即打掉,「人」的前面不太可能用介係詞 in,除非講的是在他們身體或心裡的東西。

d 沒有主要子句。
文章: 16
註冊時間: 2009-11-19 13:24

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