[問題]SSC885-補充題-1 NO.8(傳說中的will be or could那道題)


版主: shpassion, Traver0818

[問題]SSC885-補充題-1 NO.8(傳說中的will be or could那道題)

帖子游客 » 2004-08-30 21:59

8. A majority of the international journalists surveyed view nuclear power stations as unsafe at present but that they will, or could, be made sufficiently safe in the future.
(A) that they will, or could,
(B) that they would, or could
(C) they will be or could,
(D) think that they will be or could
(E) think the power stations would or could

I choos C but the correct andser is D.
they="teh power stations"??

帖子agk99 » 2004-08-31 00:02

這一題在885大全中相當有名,答案是D沒錯,they也確實是指nuclear power station

我實在不敢亂舞大刀,轉貼CD 網超級大牛Gemj的看法如下

A majority of the international journalists ... view (nuclear power stations as unsafe at present) but think (that they will be or could be made sufficiently safe in the future).
view的賓語是nuclear power stations,所以可以很合理地想像THINK的內容也應該是關於nuclear power stations的內容。
也就是THEY應該指代的是nuclear power stations。

此外,they will be or could
will be or could表達了一實一虛的兩層含義。
帖子: 3109
注册: 2004-08-24 22:12
地址: Shenzhen, China

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