我們是哥倫比亞商學院的校友,將於10/6(六) 2:00pm~4:00pm於In House Taipei舉辦coffee chat。
不同於校方的正式說明會(八月已舉辦),我們希望透過比較輕鬆對談的方式讓大家進一步了解Columbia Business
時間:10/6/2012 週六 2:00PM ~ 4:00PM
地點:In House Taipei (台北市松仁路90號)
如有任何疑問請聯絡Jeffrey Wu jwu11@gsb.columbia.edu
Dear prospective students,
As the alumnus of the Columbia Business School, we would like to
invite you to join us for a coffee chat on 10/6 in Taipei. Unlike the
official information session (which was hosted early August), we
wanted to showcase the school and share our experiences of CBS in a
casual setting. Come ask your burning questions about the program and
life as a CBS MBA student, and network with other prospective
students. We look forward to seeing you there!
Time:10/6/2012 Saturday 2:00PM ~ 4:00PM
Place:In House Taipei (No.90. Song Ren Rd.)
Please RSVP via the below link:
Please email Jeffrey Wu at jwu11@gsb.columbia.edu if you have any questions!